Mosses and liverworts


Photo of the moss Grimmia pulvinata


Photo of thalloid liverwort, Lunularia 225x198px

This small (c. 2cm diameter) cushion moss is Grimmia pulvinata. A survey of the distribution of this moss in the 1960s by Oliver Gilbert showed that it occured only in places where there was little SO2 pollution. At that time Morpeth town and the outlying housing estates all had high SO2 so it occurred only on the fringes. The effects of the pollution were often very local. For example, it was absent from garden walls of the older (coal heated) houses at Kirkhill, but it invaded the walls of the newer, centrally heated houses that were built in the late 1960s. With the huge reduction in SO2 in the town it is now common everywhere there is a suitable surface. 

The commonest thalloid liverwort in Morpeth is probably Lunularia (the spore producing bodies are half-moon shaped, hence the name Lunularia). The lobes on this specimen were about 1cm across. It grows in moist, shady places, often on clay or silt on the edges of streams. It also grows on soil in plant pots where it can be a menace to small seedlings. Other thalliod liverworts found in the area are Pellia epiphylla (with thin, almost translucent thalli) and Marchantia polymorpha (with the spores or gemmae in circular 'bowls').


For a selection of photographs of mosses and liverworts go to Google Images and type the full name of the species, or go to:

Provisional list of mosses and liverworts in Scots Gill (SG) and Borough Woods (BW)
Genus species variety location
Barbula recurvirostra SG
Brachythecium rutabulum SG BW
Dicranella nania? BW
Ditrichum heteromallum SG
Eurhynchium swartzii BW
Eurhynchium praelongum SG
Eurhynchium striatum SG
Hypnum cupressiforme cupressiforme SG
Hypnum cupressiforme lacunosum BW
Mnium hornum SG
Mnium undulatum BW
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus SG
Thuidium tamariscinum BW
Lophocolea bidentata BW leafy liverwort
Lunularia cruciata BW thalloid liverwort
Pellia epiphylla SG thalloid liverwort

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