Examples of problems evaluating Boolean expressions in C++ (1) Given the following declaration with initialization statements: int i = 15; char ch = 'P'; bool test = true; Text greet = "Hi"; what are the values of the following Boolean expressions: (0 < i) && (i < 20) (i == 0) || (i == 15) !(ch <= 'Z') test && !test (greet != "Hi") && (greet != "Ho") (2) Given that the integers i, j and k have the values 2, -4 and 7 what are the values of the following Boolean expressions: (i < j) && (j < k) (i < j) || (j < k) (i < j) || ((j == k) && (!(j > k))) (j < i) && !(i < j) (i < j) || !(i < j)