Developing Simple Programs (assignment 0.A) ------------------------------------------- Solve one of these problems and show the program (compiled and executed) to your demonstrator. Problem 1: Two groups of students, a group called "Electrical and Electronic Engineering" (with the number of students is EE) and a group called "Electronic Communications" (the number of students is EC), enter the room for a lecture in EEE1004. Amongst the first group the percentage of Newcastle United supporters is N1, and amongst the second group it is N2. Design an algorithm and write a C++ program that computes the percentage of Newcastle Utd supporters in the whole EEE1004 class (total size is N1+N2). The program should enter the values of EE, EC, N1 and N2 from the keyboard and display the result on the screen. Problem 2: Given x (say, a real number), use only multiply (*), add (+) and subtract (-) to calculate the value of y defined by the following expression: y = a*x^4 + b*x^3 + c*x^2 - 2*x - 3 (here symbol ^ denotes "power") Try to use the least number of multiplications. Design an algorithm and write a C++ program. The program should enter the values of a, b, c, and x from the keyboard and display the result (y) on the screen. Problem 3: What is the minimum number of operations you need to calculate the following two expressions: y1 = 1 - 2*x + 3*x^2 - 4*x^3 y2 = 1 + 2*x + 3*x^2 + 4*x^3 (here symbol ^ denotes "power") Design an algorithm and write a C++ program. The program should enter the value of x from the keyboard and display the results (y1 and y2) on the screen.