Farm Management Multiple Choice 1: Topics of general interest. (This MCQ has been designed to allow you to become familiar with the software. Other quizes will be more directly relevant to the taught course). AGR 332 (Farm Management)

1) Which of these farms is a University of Newcastle farm?

Choose 2 of the following options.
   Nafferton Farm
   Cockle Park Farm
   West Farm
   Easton Lodge Farm
   Brookfield Farm
   Sonning Farm

2) According to a survey of farmers reported in the last edition of the Farmers Weekly in the year 1999, which machine made the greatest impact on farming methods in the 20th Century?

One answer only.
   Combine Harvester
   Tractor and three point linkage
   Milking Machine
   Round Baler
   Power Harrow
   Hedge Trimmer

3) According the Nix Farm Management Hnadbook for 2000, what percentage fo the value of total output will be derived from area payments for an average winter wheat crop?

One answer only.
   more than 45%

4) One of the following livestock units is wrong. Which one?

One answer only.
   Dairy cow = 1 LU
   Bull = 1.5 LU
   Breeding sow = 0.44 LU
   Turkey = 0.005 LU
   Horse = 0.8 LU
   Boar = 0.35 LU

5) What support system is used to assist dairy farmers?

One answer only.
   Livestock related payments
   Area related payments
   Deficiency payments

6) The support mechanism for one commodity still uses a deficiency type payment. Which one?

One answer only.
   Beef (BSPS)
   Suckler cows
   Sheep (SAPS)
   Oilseed rape

7) What changes to milk quota leasing are to be introduced for the 2000-2001 milk quota year?

Choose 2 of the following options.
   Confiscate under-utilised quota (the so-called use it or lose it rule)
   Extend the quota leasing deadline to 31 March
   Allow quota to be temporarily transfered (leased) without land
   Advance the deadline for permanent transfer of quota to 1 March
   Introduce a siphon mechanism on the permanent transfer of quota

8) What is cross-compliance?

One answer only.
   An angry but docile farmer
   Attaching environmental conditions to agriculturla support payments
   Reducing support payments by an agreed percentage
   Best farming practice
   Organic farming

9) Which extensification payment scheme did MAFF select for the UK in the Agenda 2000 reforms?

One answer only.
   A single tier
   Hill Farm Allowance scheme
   A two tier system: less than 1.4 LU/ha and between 1.4 and 2 LU/ha (falling in 2003 to 1.4 LU/ha and between 1.4 and 1.8 LU/ha)
   The standard system

10) What reason was given for introducing modulation for UK farmers under Agenda 2000

One answer only.
   The reduction of direct payments
   To generate funds for the UK Rural Development Plan/Scheme
   To reduce EU budgetary costs
   To generate funds to assist farmers to retire and therefore assist the restructuring of the farming industry
   To generate funds to assist pig farmers to retire

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