Jonathan Dowland

I'm a guest member of staff in the School of Computing at Newcastle University. I'm working as part of the Newcastle University Historic Computing Committee on the preservation and promotion of historic computing artifacts: both hardware and software.

I'm also a part-time PhD student in the School of Computing, studying functional stream processing architectures for IoT applications.

I'm also a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. Formerly I was Head of Support for the School of Computing Science at Newcastle University. Before that, UNIX Computing Officer within the IT Service (then ISS); before that, Web development officer and project officer for the JISC-funded IAMSECT project, ISS.

In my spare time I am, amongst other things, a Developer for the Debian project.

I use this site as a convenient hosting point for things-in-transit and as a home for odd bits that won't fit elsewhere. I maintain a personal site at, there's a lot more content there.