Dr. P.J. SALLIS (Paul Sallis)

Lecturer in Environmental Engineering

Office, Room 1.11 First Floor, Cassie Building

Tel: 0191 222 5735

email: p.j.sallis@ncl.ac.uk

Paul joined the School in 1997, having spent the previous five years working in the Environmental Biotechnology Industry.

He has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Bristol and a PhD in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC) where he studied the enzymology of nitrogen and carbon cycles in soils and sediments. He continued his research at UKC with two postdoctoral fellowships investigating the biodegradation of halogenated xenobiotics; this work led to a Patent covering a fully commercial Industrial Bioremediation Process that reduces the environmental emission of organohalogens by the paper industry.

After 1992 he continued research and process development as Projects Manager at Viridian Bioprocessing Ltd., managing a number of collaborative programmes between academia and industry. R&D included a bioremediation process for toxic metal decontamination of soil, and the development of a novel wastewater treatment system for the control of fat, oil and grease in catering and trade effluents. This work was awarded the Kent Business Award for Innovation in 1995.

His research interests include engineering design of novel wastewater treatment systems; degradation of organohalogens in groundwater and effluents; fundamental aspects of biomass engineering in anaerobic digestion;  bioremediation of contaminated land, and low cost water filtration systems (ceramic filtration) for developing countries.

Administrative responsibilities within the School include; Stage 4 Tutor, Environmental Engineering MSc Tutor, Chair Safety Committee

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