William Clegg

(more generally known as Bill Clegg)

Personal information

Born:          8 March 1949 in Great Harwood, Lancashire, England
Married:     2 August 1975, to Kathleen Smith (Kathy)
Children:     Barbara Mary (Bob), born 28 September 1976; teaching Physics in Oxford, moving to Beijing in August with husband Steve
                    Christopher Michael (Chris), born 19 May 1978; working with computer chips near Edinburgh, getting married to Jo in August
                    Elizabeth Catherine (Lizzie), born 30 January 1980; qualified vet with PDSA, married to Dan
                    David Stephen (Dave), born 30 April 1982; temporary job in Carlisle, intending to work in computer games industry, engaged to Christina

Degrees and qualifications

MA, PhD (Cantab) 1973-4; Dr.habil. (Göttingen) 1984; ScD (Cantab) 1989; CChem., FRSC.


Royal Society of Chemistry Corday-Morgan medal and prize for 1985, for contributions to X-ray crystallography.

Undergraduate studies

Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge 1967-1970
Natural Sciences Tripos: chemistry with subsidiary crystallography, physics, mathematics.
First Class Honours
Successively College Exhibitioner, Scholar, and Senior Scholar

Postgraduate research

Department of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge 1970-1973.
Supervisor: Dr. Peter J. Wheatley.
Thesis title: Structures of some metallic complexes.
Subject: X-ray crystallographic investigation of complexes containing bonds between main-group metals
and transition metals.

Academic positions held

1973-1978: Demonstrator in inorganic chemistry, Newcastle upon Tyne.

1978-1984: Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Göttingen, Germany.
Habilitation awarded 1984.

1984-1988: Lecturer in inorganic chemistry (later in chemistry), Newcastle upon Tyne.

1988-1992: Reader in chemical crystallography, Newcastle upon Tyne.

1992-present: Professor of structural crystallography, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Other major positions

1991-1995: Chairman of SERC Daresbury Laboratory Chemical Databank Service Management Panel

1995-2000: Co-editor of Acta Crystallographica Section C

1995-present: EPSRC College member.

1995-1998: Joint Appointment at CLRC Daresbury Laboratory.

1996-2001: Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada.

1998-2001: Visiting Scientist at CLRC Daresbury Laboratory.

1998-2001: Chairman of SRS User Representation Committee.

2001-2007: Joint Appointment at CLRC Daresbury Laboratory.

2001-present: Director of EPSRC National Crystallography Service, synchrotron component.

2001-present: Joint editor of Acta Crystallographica Section E.

2001-2005: Member, then Chairman of ISIS Instrument Selection Panel 1 (diffraction), RAL.

2002-present: Member of working party for single-crystal diffraction beamline I19 at Diamond.

2002-present: Lay Chaplain (subsequently Honorary Chaplain), Newcastle University.

2006-2009: British Crystallographic Association Council member.

Other activities and interests

Christian teaching and leadership; Chairman of University Staff Christian Group since 1993.
Soon to complete Certificate in Theology at Spurgeon's College and University of Wales.
Classical music, especially choral singing (a tenor); owner of a much-neglected cello.
Walking and cycling; family camping holidays.
Bread-making (German style) and other cookery.

Last updated: 13/03/2008