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Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis and Testing (ASTI)

Final EPSRC assessment grades are:
Scientific or technical merit - alpha 5 (top)
Management and use of resources - Excellent (top)

* Sponsor:

EPSRC (Visiting Fellowship) GR/L24038

* Principal Investigator:

Dr. A. Yakovlev

* Period:

01.04.97 - 01.10.98

* Keywords:

asynchronous circuits, automated synthesis, circuit decomposition,hazard-free implementation, Petri nets, Petrify, signal transition graphs (STGs), speed-independent circuits, technology mapping, testing, timed circuits

* Abstract:

This project provided funds (through the EPSRC Visting Fellowship scheme) for collaboration between the Newcastle VLSI design research group and two leading scientists in the area of asynchronous system design, Prof. Luciano Lavagno (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and Prof. Alex Kondratyev (University of Aizu, Japan). It continued supporting our main activity in automated synthesis and testing of asynchronous control circuits started in the earlier ASAP Project (Automated Synthesis of Parallel and Asynchronous Controllers, GR/J52327), and assisted further collaboration within Petrify consortium.

* Aims and Approach:

(a) Development of new methods for logic decomposition and technology mapping for speed-independent circuits

(b) Development of a new behavioural model and method for synthesis of asynchronous circuits with timing conditions, to allow greater flexibility in area and speed optimisation.

(c) Development of a new method for detecting delay faults in sequential asynchronous circuits using partial scan, and investigation of new approaches for built-in testing of asynchronous circuits based on behavioural models.

* Main Results:

* Main Publications:

J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, L.Lavagno and A.Yakovlev, Deriving Petri Nets from Finite Transition Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 859--882, Aug. 1998.

A.Kondratyev, J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, L.Lavagno and A.Yakovlev. Logic decomposition of speed-independent circuits. Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 347--362, Feb. 1999 (Special Issue on Asynchronous Systems).

J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, A.Kondratyev, L.Lavagno, E.Pastor and A.Yakovlev. Decomposition and technology mapping of speed-independent circuits using boolean relations. In Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conference on CAD (ICCAD'97), November 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press (also submitted to IEEE Trans. on CAD).

A.Kondratyev, M.Kishinevsky and A.Yakovlev. Hazard-free implementation of speed-independent circuits, IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 749--771, Sept. 1998.

J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, A.Kondratyev, L.Lavagno and A.Yakovlev, A region-based theory for state assignment in speed-independent circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD , vol. 16, no. 8, August 1997, pp. 793--812.

J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, A.Kondratyev, L.Lavagno, and A.Yakovlev. Automatic handshake expansion and reshuffling using concurrency reduction. In Proceedings of the ICATPN'98 Workshop on Hardware Design and Petri Nets (HWPN'98) , June 23, 1998, Lisbon, pp. 86--110.

J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, A.Kondratyev, L.Lavagno, and A.Yakovlev. Automatic synthesis and optimization of partially specified asynchronous systems. Accepted for DAC'99 , October 1998.

A.Kondratyev, J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, L.Lavagno, A.Taubin and A.Yakovlev. Identifying state coding conflicts in asynchronous system specifications using Petri net unfoldings, In Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Appl. of Concurrency to System Design (CSD'98) , March 1998, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 152--163.

M.Kishinevsky, A.Kondratyev, L.Lavagno, A.Saldanha and A.Taubin. Partial Scan Delay Fault Testing of Asynchronous Circuits. In Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conference on CAD (ICCAD'97) , November 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press.

A.Kondratyev, J.Cortadella, M.Kishinevsky, L.Lavagno, A.Taubin and A.Yakovlev. Lazy transition systems: application to timing optimisation of asynchronous circuits. In Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conference on CAD (ICCAD'98) , November 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press.

* Further Information:

other projects of the VLSI research group:

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+ Computing Science Research
Asynchronous circuit synthesis and testing (ASTI), 30 April 1999