Listing of muchiral.php

 $filesdir="muchiral"; //Put relative location of model files (.xyz and .spt) here
//   If model files are in the same directory as this file, use $filesdir=".";
// Use php to set up defaults for local php variables $outputype and $filestem
 if (isset($_POST["outputype"]))
 if (isset($_POST["filestem"]))
<!doctype html>
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
   <meta name="description" content="Jmol Molecular Models">
   <meta name="author" content="Bruce Tattershall">
<!-- Replace the next line with the window title for the web page -->
   <title>P-N Rotamers of P4S3 imides</title>
<h3>Select the format in which molecular structures are to be shown:</h3>
<li>JSmol requires HTML 5.0, and can be slow</li>
<li>Jmol requires Java to be installed on the client machine, but is usually much faster</li>
<!-- There could be more options in here -->
 When the following form is used, it calls the beginning of the same page again, 
 but sends a new value of the php variable $outputype invisibly by the 'post' method
<form action="" method=post>
 <input type=submit name=outputype value="HTML5.0_JSmol">
 <input type=submit name=outputype value="Java_Jmol">
<!-- If there are more options, put them here -->
<!-- php fills the current value of $outputype into the following line -->
Format currently selected:   <?php echo $outputype; ?>
 The next form selects the model to be displayed, by sending back to the page
 a value of the php variable $filestem
 It also sends back the current value of $outputype
<form action="" method=post>
 <input type=hidden name=outputype value="<?php echo $outputype;?>">
<!-- Specific page content starts here
   Each <a> tag which would have referenced a structure file directly,
    needs to be replaced by a <input> tag -->
Assignment of Phosphorus NMR Parameters to Absolute Configurations in
Chiral Phosphorus Sulfide Cage Compounds, using Ab Initio Methods
Bruce W. Tattershall
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2005, 631, 1627-1632
<p><b>This web page has been severely truncated for demonstration purposes.<br>
To view the whole page, please go to 
<a href=""></a></b></p>
Rotatable 3D molecular structure diagrams for &alpha;-P<sub>4</sub>S<sub>3</sub>(&mu;-NCH(Me)Ph)
  (Compound <b>4</b>)</h4>
<table BORDER width=100%>

<!-- Headings row -->





<!-- Rows offering models start here -->
<!--  Each table cell containing an input element is given an id
        which is the same as the value of the submit button


<img SRC="muchiral/ax1df.jpg" width=191 align="center"></center>

<td id="ax1hf">
<center> <input type=submit name=filestem value="ax1hf"></center>

<td id="ax1df">
<center> <input type=submit name=filestem value="ax1df"></center>


<!-- Here I stop this table, 
 put in a heading, and start another with a different layout -->

Rotatable 3D molecular structure diagrams for &beta;-P<sub>4</sub>S<sub>3</sub>(&mu;-NCH(Me)Ph)
  (Compound <b>5(RS)S</b>)</h4>
<table BORDER WIDTH="100%" >



<img SRC="muchiral/b1df.jpg" width=191 align="center"></center>

<td id="b1hf">
<center> <input type=submit name=filestem value="b1hf"></center>

<td id="b1df">
<center> <input type=submit name=filestem value="b1df"></center>

<!-- Specific page content ends here  -->
// Having $filestem set is the trigger for generating the model window
// The following works once, then $filestem is unset again,
// leaving the page ready for selection of another model
 if ($filestem)
   switch ($outputype)
     case "HTML5.0_JSmol":
     case "Java_Jmol":
// If there are more options, put them here
// The following is for any options which do not use Jmol
   if ($suffix)
// Now $filename is the URL of the window to be opened, complete with any query string,
//  and $winname is the name of the new window, as seen from this script.
// The name of its browser tab will be set by its <title> in the head section
//  generated by showjmol.php
<!-- Open the window for the selected model -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Functions for opening a model window, or for replacing contents of present window
//  Function for opening a popup
        function opennewwin(winhref,winobject,winname)
          if (winobject)
            return true;
            return false;
//  Function which opens a popup, or, if that fails, replaces current window
        function neworreplace(winhref,winobject,winname)
          var ifopen=false;
// Try to open popup window now
          if (! ifopen)
// Popup failed, so replace current page with new page
// Return false even if successful, so that button cannot cause form submission
          return false;
// Script to show a model, by some means
        var filename="<?php echo $filename;?>";
        var windname="<?php echo $winname;?>";
        var structwin;
        var ifopen=false;
// Try to open a popup window directly from html page
        if (! ifopen)
// Popup failed, so provide a button to click to show user intent
//  This version is for use with form submit buttons in table cells
//   When the page is called (again) as a result of clicking the submit button,
//    this script will add a Continue button, below the submit button which called for it,
//    and focus to bring that cell of the table into view
//   Create a <br> to put the new button below the present one
          var brk=document.createElement("br");
//   Create a <center> element into which button can be put
//    - this is an 'obsolete' HTML element, but still seems to work
          var centr=document.createElement("center");
//   Create the button itself
          var buttn=document.createElement("button");
//   Make the label to go on it
          var buttnlabel=document.createTextNode("Continue");
//    and attach the label to the button
//   The styles of the button label belong to the button, not to its label
//   Add the onclick attribute to the button
//    This will call a function already defined on the current page in this JavaScript
          buttn.setAttribute("onclick","done=neworreplace(filename,structwin,windname); return done;");
//    Because the function returns false, returning its value will prevent
//     the form from being resubmitted instead of the desired action of the button
//   Button is ready, so put it into the center element
//   Put first the break element, then the center element into the table cell
//   The id of this is the same as the value of the submit button, so when
//    the page was called, the .php script knew what value to put into
//    this id to be looked for
          document.getElementById("<?php echo $filestem;?>").appendChild(brk);
          document.getElementById("<?php echo $filestem;?>").appendChild(centr);
//   Not all browsers can focus on table cell elements, but setting the tabIndex
//    of the cell seems to fix this
          document.getElementById("<?php echo $filestem;?>").tabIndex="1";
//   Finally focus on the table cell containing the new Continue button, scrolling the
//    browser window if necessary, ready for the user to click the button
          document.getElementById("<?php echo $filestem;?>").focus();