The Appendix Probi

The Appendix Probi is a brief prescriptive work thought originally to have been written by the grammarian Valerius Probus. It was perhaps written in the fourth or fifth century AD, but the sole surviving copy is contained in a manuscript dating from the seventh or eighth century, which also contains the Instituta Artium. The Appendix lists common mistakes in the written Latin of its time and these foreshadow many of the changes that are known to have occurred in the evolution of the modern Romance languages.

Some examples of the injunctions contained in the Appendix are as follows:

speculum non speclum
vetulus non veclus
columna non colomna
pecten non pectinis
pauper mulier non paupera mulier
doleus non dolium
calida non calda
frigida non fricda
vinea non vinia
ostium non osteum
senatus non sinatus
cochleare non cocliarium
favilla non failla
ansa non asa
sedes non sedis
oculus non oclus
alium non aleum
glis non gliris
exter non extraneus
terebra non telebra
grus non gruis
tabula non tabla
aper non aprus
mensa non mesa
auctoritas non autoritas
socrus non socra
viridis non virdis