
Chapters and contributions in books

In English

In press:

• "Consumer Protest: Water", in Dale Southerton (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture, Washington, DC: CQ Press (submitted April 2009).

• "Water fountains in Buenos Aires, Argentina", in A. Hynynen, P. S. Juuti, and T. S. Katko (eds.), Water Fountains in the Cityscape (publication under negotiation).

• "In search of meaningful interdisciplinarity: understanding urban water conflicts in Mexico", in B. Barraqué and E. Vlachos ( eds.), Urban Water Conflicts: an Analysis on the Origins and Nature of Water-related Unrest and Conflicts in the Urban Setting, London: Taylor and Francis (submitted February 2007).

• "The interdisciplinary challenge in water policy: the case of 'water governance'", in E. Cabrera (Ed.), Water Engineering and Management Throughout the Times (Learning from history). Water Institute, Poly-technical University of Valencia. (submitted September 2006)

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• "Private-sector participation in water and sanitation services: the answer to public sector failures? ", in Claudia Ringer, Asit Biswas, and Sarah. A. Cline (eds.) Global Change: Impacts on Water and food Security, ISBN: 978-3-642-04614-8 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04615-5_9), Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer (2010), pp. 169-193.

• "Philosophy: Functionalism (including structural functionalism)", in Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Oxford: Elsevier (2009), Vol. 4, pp. 277-282.

• "Commons and citizenship: the contradictions of an unfolding relationship", in S. Helfrich (ed.) To Whom does the World Belong?, Washington, DC: Heinrich Böll Foundation Editions (2009). Also published in Spanish and German (see details below).

• J. E. Castro and L. Heller, "Introduction", in J. E. Castro and L. Heller (eds.), Water and Sanitation Services: Public Policy and Management, London and Sterling, VA: Earthscan (2009), pp. 1-16.

• "Systemic conditions and public policy in the water and sanitation sector", in J. E. Castro and L. Heller (eds.) Water and Sanitation Services: Public Policy and Management, London and Sterling, VA: Earthscan (2009), pp. 19-37.

• "The political ecology of water uncertainty and inequality: a sociological contribution", in P. Leite da Silva Dias, W. Costa Ribeiro, and L. Hidalgo Nunes (coords.), A Contribution to Understanding the Regional Impacts of Global Change in South America, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (2007), pp. 239-259.

• with Léo Heller, "The development of water and sanitation services in Argentina and Brazil", in Petri Juuti, Tapio Katko, and Heikki Vuorinen (eds.), Environmental History of Water - Global Views on Community Water Supply and Sanitation, ISBN: 1843391104, London: International Water Association (IWA) Publishing (2006), pp. 429-445.

• "Urban conflicts over water in Mexico: a theoretical and empirical exploration", in B. Barraqué (ed.), Urban Water Conflicts: an Analysis on the Origins and Nature of Water-related Unrest and Conflicts in the Urban Setting, Paris: UNESCO Working series SC-2006/WS/19 (2006), pp. 71-90.

• Entries on "citizenship" (pp. 76-8), "drinking water" (pp. 167-8), "rainwater harvesting" (p. 580), "water management" (p. 749-50), "water user associations" (pp. 750-1), "water-borne diseases" (pp. 751-2), and "Zapatistas" (p. 783), in T. Forsyth (ed.), Encyclopedia of International Development, ISBN 041525342X, London: Routledge (2004).

• Entries on "Argentina" (Vol. 1, pp. 63-4), "commodification" (Vol. 1, pp. 255-58), "Karl Marx" (Vol. 2, pp. 811-2), "Rio de la Plata River" (Vol. 3, pp. 1054-5), "Socialism and Communism" (Vol. 3, pp. 1125-9), and "Southern Cone" (Vol. 3, pp. 1142-4), in Shepard Krech III , John R. McNeill , and Carolyn Merchant (eds.), Encyclopedia of World Environmental History (3 vols.) (ISBN: 0-415-93732-9), New York: Routledge (2003).

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In other languages

In Press:

• "Participação e controle social em saneamento básico" (Social participation and control in basic sanitation", in L. Heller (ed.), Saneamento Básico, Saúde Ambiental e Políticas Públicas. Novos Paradigmas para a América Latina e Caribe (Basic Sanitation, Environmental Health and Public Policies. New Paradigms for Latin America and the Caribbean), Washington DC: Panamerican Health Organization.

• "Gestão democrática nos serviços de saneamento" (Democratic management in water and sanitation services), Thematic Booklet, in L. R. S. Moraes and L. Heller (eds.), Panorama do Saneamento Básico no Brasil (Overview of Basic Sanitation in Brazil), Brasilia: Ministry of the Cities.

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• "O estudo interdisciplinar dos conflitos pela água no meio urbano: uma contribuição da Sociologia" (The interdisciplinary study of urban water conflicts: a sociological contribution - translation of a paper already published in English and Spanish), in Andréa Zhouri, and Klemens Laschefski (eds.), Desenvolvimento e Conflitos Ambientais (Development and Environmental Conflicts), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, 2010, PP. 176-201.

• "Apuntes sobre el Proceso de Mercantilización del Agua: un Examen de la Privatización en Perspectiva Histórica" (Notes on the process of water commodification: an examination of privatization in historical perspective), in S. Espinoza (ed), Justicia Ambiental y Sustentabilidad Hídrica (Environmental Justice and Water Sustainability). Cochabamba, Bolivia: Comisión para la Gestión Integral del Agua en Bolivia (CIAGB), Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios (CESU), Universidad Mayor de San Simón, and Intercooperation, 2009, pp. 11-29. (Earlier versions of this paper have been published elsewhere).

• "A Participação Privada nos Serviços de Saneamento: lecciones da experiencia internacional" (Private participation in water and sanitation services: lessons from the international experience), in Lei Nacional de Saneamento Básico. Perspectivas para as Políticas e a Gestão dos Serviços Públicos (The Basic Sanitation National Law. Perspectives for Public Policy and Management of Public Services), Vol. 3, Brasilia: Ministry of the Cities, National Secretary of Basic Sanitation, 2009, pp. 583-599 (download it here).

• "Gemeinschaftsgüter und Bürgerschaft: Widersprüche einer sich entfaltenden Beziehung", (Commons and citizenship: the contradictions of an unfolding relationship), in S. Helfrich (ed.) Gene, Bytes und Emissionen: Gemeinschaftsgüter und Bürgerschaft (Genes, Bytes and Emissions: Common Goods and Citizenship), Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation Editions, 2009, pp. 39-50 (download it here). Also published in Spanish and English.

• "La experiencia de Inglaterra y Gales en la organización de la regulación de los servicios de agua y saneamiento" (Regulation of water and sanitation services: the experience of England and Wales). Previously published in Portuguese, in Brazil. In: Jaume Delclos Ayats (Ed.), Agua, un Derecho y no una Mercancía. Propuestas de la Sociedad Civil para un Modelo Público del Agua (Water: a Right, not a commodity. Civil Society Proposals for a Public Model of Water Services). Barcelona: Engineers without Borders and Icaria, 2009, pp. 179-217.

• "Apuntes sobre el Proceso de Mercantilización del Agua: un Examen de la Privatización en Perspectiva Histórica" (Notes on the process of water commodification: an examination of privatization in historical perspective), in J. Delclos Ayats (ed), Agua, un Derecho y no una Mercancía. Propuestas de la Sociedad Civil para un Modelo Público del Agua (Water: a Right, not a commodity. Civil Society Proposals for a Public Model of Water Services). Barcelona: Engineers without Borders and Icaria, 2008, pp. 35-55.

• "Los bienes comunes y la ciudadanía: contradicciones de una relación en pleno desarrollo" (Commons and citizenship: the contradictions of an unfolding relationship), in S. Helfrich (ed.) Genes, Bytes y Emisiones: Bienes Comunes y Ciudadanía (Genes, Bytes and Emissions: Common Goods and Citizenship), Mexico City: Heinrich Böll Foundation Editions, 2008, pp. 68-80. Also published in English and German.

"A normatização da prestação dos serviços de água e esgoto, a experiência de Inglaterra e Gales" (Regulation of water and sanitation services: the experience of England and Wales), in Alceu de Castro Galvão Junior and Marfisa Maria de Aguiar Ferreira Ximenes (eds.), Regulação: Normatização da Prestação dos Serviços de Água e Esgoto, (Regulation: Normativity in Water and Sanitation Services), Fortaleza, Brazil: Associação Brasileira das Agências de Regulação (ABAR) and Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos Delegados do Estado do Ceará (ARCE), 2008, pp. 161-201.

• "Proposiciones para el examen teórico y empírico de la privatización: el caso de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en América Latina" (Propositions for the theoretical and empirical examination of privatization: the case of water and sanitation services in Latin America), in Fundación Seminario para la Paz (Ed.), El agua, derecho humano y raíz de conflictos (Water: human right and source of conflicts), Saragossa, Spain: Government of Aragon, Fundación Seminario de Investigación para la Paz (SIP), 2008, pp. 367-390.

• "Agua, democracia y la construcción de la ciudadanía" (Water, democracy, and the construction of citizenship), in Esch, S., M. Delgado, S. Helfrich, H. Salazar Ramírez, M. L. Torregrosa, and I. Zúñiga Pérez-Tejada, La Gota de la Vida: Hacia una Gestión Sustentable y Democrática del Agua (The Drop of Life: Towards a Sustainable and Democratic Management of Water) (ISBN 96890-84-01-1), Mexico City: Fundación Heinrich Böll Editions, 2006, pp. 266-287.

• "Águas disputadas: regimes conflitantes de gobernabilidade no setor dos serviços de saneamento" (Contested waters: conflicting governance regimes in the water and sanitation sector), in L. Dowbor and R. Tagnin (eds.), Administrando a Água como se Fosse Importante: Gestão ambiental e Sustentabilidade (Managing Water as something that Really Matters: Environmental Management and Sustainability) (ISBN: 85-7359-441-1), Sao Paulo: SENAC Press, 2005, pp. 47-59.

"Ciudadanía y gobernabilidad en México: el caso de la conflictividad y la participación social en torno a la gestión del agua"  document PDF [471 KB],(Citizenship and governance in Mexico: conflict and social participation around water management), with Karina Kloster and María Luisa Torregrosa, in Blanca Jiménez and Luis Marín (ed.), El Agua en México Vista desde la Academia (Water in Mexico: an Academic Perspective), ISBN 968-7428-22-8, México City: Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, 2004, pp. 339-370.

"Ciudadanía y gobernabilidad en la cuenca del Río Bravo-Grande"  document PDF [253 KB], (Citizenship and governance in the Rio Bravo-Grande basin), with Karina Kloster, Isabel Studer, and María Luisa Torregrosa, chapter in Blanca Jiménez and Luis Marín (ed.), El Agua en México Vista desde la Academia (Water in Mexico: an Academic Perspective), ISBN 968-7428-22-8, México City: Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, 2004, pp. 199-232.

• "Incertezas manufacturadas, tecnociência e políticas de desigualdade: o caso da gestão dos recursos hídricos", in H. Martins and J. L. García (eds.), Dilemas da Civilizacao Tecnológica, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2003, (ISBN: 972-671-111-8), pp. 199-223.

• "Luta social pela água e direito á cidadania", in, J. A. Bragança de Miranda and J. F. da Silveira, As Ciências da Comunicação na Viragem do Século, (2002) (ISBN: 972-699-695-3) Lisbon: Vega Editores, pp. 300-312.

• "El control social del agua y la formación de los derechos de ciudadanía en México: una perspectiva de largo plazo", in Th. Bremer and S. Schütz, América Latina: Cruce de Culturas y Sociedades. La Dimensión Histórica y la Globalización Futura, Halle: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, (Compact Disk) 1999 (ISBN 3-86010-539-6).

• "Niklas Luhmann y la tradición sociológica", in, Camou, A. and J. E. Castro (1997) (eds.) En Torno a la Obra de Niklas Luhmann (ISBN 968-7391-18X), Mexico City: Triana. pp. 51-81.

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See also:


special journal editions

journal articles

research reports

other publications