Week 10: How to use and access online Journals

A number of journals to which the Robinson library subscribes offer an electronic version to everyone belonging to the University. So what? Well, this means that any student can access recent volumes of some of the most important history journals from any computer terminal on campus. So what? This means that you can:

So electronic journals are fantastically useful. It means that, for the relevant journals, one does not need to queue for xerox machines, wrestle with said machine, mutter bad words when your copycard expires and so on. It also means that there is, in effect, a limitless supply of the journals in question. No more searching, with increasing fury, for that vital volume which you know must be somewhere in the library!
I can tell that you are interested in learning about online journals, now. The next question is, how do you access and read them?
You need to do the following:

Task for today's lesson: print out ONE page of any online historical journal and hand it in to the course leader.
Do not forget this lesson. Electronic journals are here to stay, and are already appearing on our departmental readling lists.
Now, when you have finished, why not visit Dr Boulton's home page?