Documentary extracts, HIS211

This page provides you with links to the main four documentary extracts and some suggested reading. Each page will contain a number of separate topics. You should all write a two page or thereabouts report on one of the topics in each subject.
Usually the topics will take the form of a document and a couple of secondary references. You should summarise the document/s and place it/them in the context of the relevant secondary references. Everybody should write four document reports. The best three will be averaged out and count as one essay equivalent.
Note: that these pages are accessible only from the Newcastle Campus. However, if you email from a remote site, I will arrange to give you access over the holidays. E-mail:

Document extract subjects. There is usually more than one topic in any given subject:

  1. Women in Early Stuart England
  2. Religious and political radicals in Early Stuart England
  3. Popular politics in Early Stuart England
  4. Public opinion and news in Early Stuart England
  5. Online report form

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