School of Mechanical & Systems Engineering
Final Year Projects

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This note applies to the following undergraduate individual Final Year Project modules:


These projects are marked according to a unified scheme, but the work expected varies depending on the type of project.

Final year MEng students will undertake a major study in an engineering topic that may include aspects of design, experimentation and mathematical modeling. This will be at a level to be expected of future chartered engineers and reflects the experience of project work the students will have gained in the Stage 3 group project. These students will be expected to display a high level of analytical ability and self direction independent of the academic supervisor.

Final year BEng (Hons) students are also expected to undertake a significant project. This is their first experience of a major project with significant analytical content. The time available is limited in a 30 credit module, so the amount of self direction must be limited. However, all Honours students, who will obtain a CEng accredited degree, will be expected to show clear evidence of engineering judgement in their work.

Final year BEng (Ordinary) students will concentrate more on the practical than the analytical. They will be expected to undertake a significant body of design or experimental work, but this will rest heavily on the direction of the academic supervisor.

The Maitrise students will undertake a project of limited scope reflecting the short time available. This will usually concentrate on research in the technical literature to help build their competence in English.

marking levels

The marks awarded for each components of the final mark will be based on the following scheme:

70 - 100%

Clear evidence of excellence in planning, execution and presentation of the work.

60 - 69%

A very high standard of work with evidence of analytical ability used to good effect, but just lacking the spark of true excellence.

50 - 59%

Good work, but somewhat lacking in analytical content.

40 - 49%

Work of modest quality, but with sufficient merit to show potential as a professional engineer.

0 - 39%

Poor work indicating the perpetrator is unlikely to be capable of performing as a professional engineer.