
This page provides links or hard copy details of  papers by external academics and agencies. Suggestions of other sutiable references are welcomed.


ARA, (1998), Moldova: Politica Agrara Actuali: Evolusie, Probleme, Sugestii 1997-1998, Chisinau: Agensia Pentru Restructurarea Agriculturii

ARA, (1999), Incomes, services and public administration in Moldovan villages, Chisinau: Agensia Pentru Restructurarea Agriculturii

ARA, (2000), Situatia economico-financiara a sectorului agricol, Chisinau: Agensia Pentru Restructurarea Agriculturii

Berman, B., (1996), Moldova-First Agriculture Project: Appraisal Report, Project ID No.MDPA8556, World Bank, Washington

Csaki, C., (1998), Land Reform and farm restructuring in East Central Europe and the CIS in the 1990s: expectations and achievements at the end of the first decade of transition, Keynote address to the UN/ECE Workshop on Land Markets: A Challenge to Land Administration,  Budapest, 30 November to 2 December

Dudwick, N. and Youssef, D., (1998), Social Assessment Guides Policies on Rural Land Reform in Moldova, Note No. 42, Washington D.C.: The World Bank, December

Dumitrashko, M.I., (1997), 'Review of needs and potential for farm and farming systems data in the Republic of Moldova', Paper presented to the FAO SEUR Seminar on farm and farming systems data needs in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, 15th to 19th December

Institutal Asa Pentru Analiza per Sectoare si elaborari de Poltici, (1998), Studiu Asupra Impozitelor si subvensiilor in Agricultura Moldovei, Chisinau: Institutal Asa Pentru Analiza per Sectoare si elaborari de Poltici

IMF, (1999), Republic of Moldova: Recent Economic Developments, IMF Staff Country Report No.99/110 Washington

King, C., (1999), The Moldovans: Romania, Russia and the Politics of Culture, Stanford: Hoover Institution Press

Le Seelleur, M., (1999), Support to the Agency for Restructuring Agriculture: Final Report, Project Number: Tacis  / FDMOL 9602

Lerman, Z., Csaki, C. and Moroz, V., (1998), Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Moldova: Progress and Prospects. Washington DC: World Bank Discussion Paper No. 398
O' Loughlin, J., Kolossov, V. and Tchepalyga, A., (1998), 'National construction, territorial separatism and post-Soviet geopolitics in the Transdniester Moldovan Republic,' Post Soviet Geography and Economics, Vol.39, No.6, pp.332-58

World Bank, (1998a), World Bank to Support Land Reform in Moldova, News Release No. 98/1740/ECA

World Bank, (1998b), Moldova - Rural Policy Matrix, Washington: World Bank


Ash T.N., (1998), ‘Land and agricultural reform in Ukraine’ in Stephen Wegren ed., Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, London and New York: Routledge, pp.62-86.

Banaian K., (1999), The Ukrainian Economy Since Independence, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Csaki C. and Lerman, Z., (1997), ‘Land Reform in Ukraine: Slow Progress’, Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, vol.19, no.4, pp.46-70.
Filatotcev I., (1996), ‘Privatisation and Industrial Restructuring in Ukraine’, Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, vol.8, no.2 (1996), pp.185-203.

Hare P.G., Ishaq M. and Estrin S., (1996), The Legacies of Central Planning and the Transition to a Market Economy: Ukrainian Contradictions, CERT Discussion Paper No.96/18, Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University.

Ishaq M., (1999), ‘Foreign direct investment in Ukraine since transition’, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, vol.32, no.1, pp.91-109.
Siedenberg A. and Hoffman L., (eds.).(1999), , Ukraine at the Crossroads. Economic Reforms in International Perspective, New York: Physica-Verlag
Stebelsky I., (1996), ‘The Promise Unfulfilled: Ukrainian Agriculture in Kuchma’s First Year’, Ukrainian Economic Review, vol.11, no.3, pp.129-136.
World Bank (1994), Ukraine: The Agricultural Sector in Transition, Washington DC: World Bank.

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