Experiences of metal on metal hip joint replacement

Part 1 - General patient data

You must answer each question in this section to be able to submit the questionnaire.
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You will be given a chance to tell us extra/missing information at the end.

We would like to ask you a few general questions about yourself. Please tick as appropriate.

This is page 1 of 5

Which country do you live in?


1a) Your Gender

1b) Your Age

1c) Which of your hips was replaced with a metal-on-metal joint?

Please provide details (if you do not have the exact dates to hand, please estimate):

date of operation

Type of joint

date of operation

Type of joint

1d) Has your metal-on-metal hip replacement(s) been changed (revised)?

If yes - please give details (if you do not have the exact dates to hand, please estimate):

date of operation

Type of joint

date of operation

Type of joint

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