Current Projects

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Exploring how sight and sound interact
We know from everyday experience that what we see affects what we hear and vice versa. Although this sensory interaction occurs most strongly for speech, we investigate whether they occur for simple and speech-like tones, and whether visual information can facilitate speech perception in noisy conditions. We use a combination of psychophysics, Fourier analysis, functional imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy in this project. Partly funded by the Wellcome Trust.

Mark Laing, Newcastle University (PhD student)
Adrian Rees, Newcastle University

  Haptic vision
We are interested in how the sense of touch (haptics) can interact with vision, particularly to help those with low vision (e.g., macular degeneration). To address this, we are using emerging technologies to simulate tactile "textures" (e.g., the roughness of a tree bark) on touch screens. These technologies are also potential low-cost solutions for emerging cultures so we will conduct parallel studies in the UK and in Egypt. Funded by the British Council.

Patrick Degenaar, Newcastle University
Walid Al-atabany, Helwan University
Greg Topel, TANVAS
  Cognitve modulation of pain
Pain is a salient percept that can draw our attention away from our current task so we can deal with potential bodily harm. We are interested in how our thoughts and actions can help us deal with pain, for example by distracting us from a painful stimulus. To address this, we have been using cognitively-demanding visual tasks to measure how cognition reduces the pain intensity people feel in response to a painful stimulus. We are also exploring the brain mechanisms underlying pain perception, particularly in individuals who suffer from persistent chronic pain.

Vera Araujo-Soares, Newcastle University
Justin Durham, Newcastle University
James Allison, Newcastle University

Neural changes with perceptual expertise
Neural changes can occur as people acquire expertise with a category of objects (e.g., cars). These changes can include how strongly different brain areas respond to the objects of expertise or how different brain areas interact with each other in response to those objects. To do so, we train people to acquire expertise with novel objects and scan their brain before and after training. We also test individual with known brain lesions to better understand these neural changes. Funded by the ESRC.

Bruno Rossion, University of Lorraine


Shape, motion and colour information for face, body and object recognition
People can use different visual features alone or in combination to recognise people and objects in a complex and cluttered environment. We use psychophysics, eye tracking, and computational modelling to test how people attend to and use these features for perceiving, recognising, and interacting with people and objects. We also test recognition across different animal species, including bees, pigeons and humans.

Katja Mayer
Alinda Friedman, University of Alberta
Marcia Spetch, University of Alberta
Jim Tanaka, University of Victoria
Ian Thornton, University of Malta

  Neural correlates of face, body and object recognition
We are interested in the networks for recognising faces, bodies and objects using brain imaging. Functional networks can be identified using analyses such as psychophysiological interactions or dynamic causal modelling. Structural networks can be identified using diffusion tensor imaging which allows us to reconstruct white-matter tracts between brain regions using tractography techniques.

Katja Mayer
Anthony Atkinson, Durham University
Johannes Schultz, University of Bonn
difficult, difficult, lemon difficult
Simon Foster, In the Loop
Last updated ~ October 2019