4 RIA Example

This section runs through an example analysis using RIA with example data which can be download from here.This data was simulated using HAPMAP3 data to mate individuals who already had children to create 301 affected relative pairs (ARPs). The data only contains SNPs from chromosome 6, however in a real analysis we would ideally have data for the whole genome to get better estimates of the prior IBD sharing probabilities and to compare LOD scores across the genome.

We already have PLINK installed on our system so we will not bother ourselves to download it from here, nor will we use the -plink option as it is already set up to run by typing “plink”, which is set by default. The KING program (version 2.2.9) on the other hand is not installed, so we shall download it from here, and save the executable file at location /home/me/my-programs/king/ so that KING may be ran by typing /home/me/my-programs/king/king. Note: It is very important to download KING version 2.2.9 and not any later versions as we need to use the --homog option which is no longer available in later versions.

We can now run a Regional IBD Analysis (RIA) analyses using the default options for the SNP window size, set to 15 cM, and the SNP window step size, set to 50, by typing:

./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o resultsRIAExample.dat

This will create output similar to the following.

RIA: Regional IBD Analysis, v1.1
Copyright 2015-present Richard Howey, GNU General Public License, v3
Research Software Engineering, Newcastle University

Input file: demo-data/exampleRIAData.bed
Output file: resultsRIAExampleDataKing2023.dat
Log file: resultsRIAExampleDataKing2023.log
Using additive and dominance variance model
Start at first SNP with full SNP window
End at last SNP with full SNP window
Window size: 15 cM
Minimum number of SNPs in a window: 100
SNP step size: 50 SNPs
Number of cases: 362
Number of unused controls: 35
Number of SNPs: 29413

Creating list of pruned SNPs using PLINK command:
plink --noweb --indep 50 50 2 --mind 0.01 --maf 0.25 --geno 0.05 --bfile exampleRIAData --out tempRIA-priors1-8553 >/dev/null 2>&1

Creating data file to calculate priors using PLINK command:
plink --noweb --bfile exampleRIAData --filter-cases --extract tempRIA-priors1-8553.prune.in --make-bed --out tempRIA-priors2-8553 >/dev/null 2>&1

Calculating priors using KING command:
/home/me/my-programs/king/king -b tempRIA-priors2-8553.bed --homog --prefix tempRIA-priors2-8553 >/dev/null 2>&1

Number of affected relative pairs (ARPs) in priors: 301

Calculating posteriors (for each SNP window) using KING command:
/home/me/my-programs/king/king -b tempRIA-posterior-8553.bed --homog --prefix tempRIA-posterior-8553 >/dev/null 2>&1

15 cM windows - number of SNPs summary statistics:
Mean: 2442.33
Median: 2266
Standard deviation: 606.466
Range: (1458, 3634)

Run time: 10 minutes

The commands used by PLINK and KING are output for reference and may be useful if there are any problems. RIA uses several intermediate temporary files beginning with “tempRIA” and may be lying around if there was a problem and RIA was forced to unexpectedly stop. They should then be carefully deleted if necessary.

The results file resultsRIAExample.dat should look as follows:

741 6 rs11755767 7.52007 2804601 1.583936049 0 2.828838716
791 6 rs7765538 8.14908 3000876 1.544010298 0 2.726726528
841 6 rs744375 8.85487 3294907 1.473726461 0 2.565180586
891 6 rs7763703 9.47382 3433624 1.392624092 0 2.383495002
941 6 rs12526106 10.0032 3690722 1.339150984 0 2.272297645
28341 6 rs11755875 188.372 166136328 1.21271465 0.1564407936 2.774211867
28391 6 rs705791 188.972 166288440 1.127065043 0.1950593781 2.693304349
28441 6 rs12154075 189.175 166486261 1.12910064 0.1965589048 2.69542933
28491 6 rs1033725 189.362 166627240 1.125312283 0.1817039321 2.647993295
28541 6 rs6935542 190.191 166817722 0.9200496884 0.3786320582 2.675835187

The columns for the results file are as follows:

Column Description
SNP The SNP number as it appears in file.
CHR Chromosome of the SNP.
ID The name of the SNP.
CM The centimorgan value of the SNP.
BP The base pair position of the SNP.
VAR_AThe additive variance parameter.
VAR_DThe dominance variance parameter.
MLS The maximum-likelihood statistic.

It is not unusual for either VAR_A or VAR_D or even both of these parameters to be equal to 0. In the example data set VAR_D is equal to 0 for most of the SNPs.

In R type:

resultsRIAExample<-read.table("resultsRIAExample.dat", header=TRUE)

plot(resultsRIAExample$BP/10^6, resultsRIAExample$MLS, main="Regional IBD Analysis", xlab=expression(bp~position~(Mb)), ylab="MLS", ylim=c(0, max(resultsRIAExample$MLS)))

This will produce the following plot:

Figure 1. Plot of RIA test results.

As the prior IBD sharing probabilities are always the same, regardless of which subset of SNPs are analysed, it is possible to save a prior file using the -o-prior option as follows

./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o resultsRIAExample.dat -o-prior examplePrior.dat

or can be done without any further analysis using the -prior-only option as follows

./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -prior-only -o-prior examplePrior.dat

The prior can then be used for different analysis using the -i-prior option, such as

./ria -window-size 2000 -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o resultsRIAExample-2000.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat

There are no simulated effects in the example data, which would be clearer if results for the whole genome were available. For details on how to interpret results please see Eu-Ahsunthornwattana et al. (2015).

4.1 Parallel processing

Regional IBD Analysis is fairly computationally intensive and so it is natural to want to speed things up a bit by using parallel processing. This can be done by dividing the analysis up using the -start-snp and -end-snp options, such as

./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o resultsRIAExample1.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -start-snp 3000 -end-snp 4000

Care must be taken when setting the first SNP to ensure there is a full SNP window around the SNP at the center of the SNP window.

If all of the data is to be analysed it is much easy to use the -job option to divide the analysis into a number of analyses. This will automatically set the start and end SNPs. For example, to analyse all of the data in 10 jobs using the previously calculated priors, use

./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results1.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 1 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results2.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 2 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results3.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 3 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results4.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 4 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results5.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 5 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results6.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 6 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results7.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 7 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results8.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 8 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results9.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 9 10
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results10.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job 10 10

The temporary intermediate files used by RIA depend on the process ID of each job so there is no need to worry about these files interfering with one another. Only the first results file will contain the header making it easy to combine the results into one results file:

cat results1.dat results2.dat results3.dat results4.dat results5.dat results6.dat results7.dat results8.dat results9.dat results10.dat > allResults.dat

The -job option makes it easy to write a simple script with a loop to submit the jobs. Alternatively, if you are using a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster using the open-source Sun Grid Engine (SGE) scheduler software, then these jobs may be submitted as an array job using something similar to the following script:

# execute in current working directory
#$ -cwd
# export local envirnoment
#$ -V
# the number of RIA tasks
#$ -t 1-10
# execute RIA for each task
./ria -king /home/me/my-programs/king/king -i exampleRIAData.bed -o results$SGE_TASK_ID.dat -i-prior examplePrior.dat -job $SGE_TASK_ID 10