ORBITAL for Web Browsers

Program ORBITAL shows coloured contour plots of functions which represent simple atomic or molecular orbitals. It is intended to be used by students learning about molecular orbital theory in chemistry courses at an elementary undergraduate level.

It was written by Dr. Bruce W. Tattershall, Lecturer in Chemistry at Newcastle University, England.

Introduction Contents


  • In a narrow window, it may appear folded, as shown here
  • This may also work, though possibly less conveniently
  • Introduction

    How to use it

    Using ORBITAL

    What is it for?

    What does it do?

    Introduction Contents


    Introduction Contents

    Recognising the AOs

    Introduction Contents

    Plane of the plot

    Introduction Contents

    Colour of the contours

    Introduction Contents


    Introduction Contents

    Making MOs

    Introduction Contents


    Introduction Contents

    One overlap at a time

    Introduction Contents

    Distance between the atoms

    Introduction Contents

    Triatomic molecules

    Introduction Contents

    What are the molecules?

    Introduction Contents


    Introduction Contents

    History of ORBITAL

    Introduction Contents

    Using ORBITAL

    Atomic Orbitals

    Molecular Orbitals



    I should like to hear about your use of ORBITAL, and be sent suggestions, comments, etc. I do not undertake to act on suggestions, but I certainly welcome them and will give them due consideration.

    Thanks very much.

    Bruce Tattershall
    Chemistry in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
    University of Newcastle
    Newcastle upon Tyne

    Email:       Bruce.Tattershall@ncl.ac.uk
    Website:   http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/bruce.tattershall/