ACE 8001: Quantitative Research Methods:  An Outline

There are many reference sources to this topic. I choose only two, which are enough for the purposes of identifying the options and appropriate techniques to use in different circumstances and contexts:
  • A very useful online resource is maintained by the University of Surrey Sociology Department:  Social Research Update. This has links to a number of other important and useful sites, as well as contiaing useful overview articles on various research approaches and methods.


    Introduction & Purpose

    It is NOT the purpose of this session to fully aquaint or train you in the use of these various methods - for that you will need to train yourself through the various computer packages and texts, and consult with experts. Rather, the purpose of this session is to provide an overview or roadmap of the various major techniques and approaches which are available.

    These notes are in three sections:

    Further sessions can be arranged (next term)  with appropriate members of staff, given sufficient and specific demand to deal with particular aspects of quantitative analysis.  In particular, the methods sessions next term will deal with questionnaire design and implementation, and also deal with some case studies.

    1. The Basics:

    Positivism:  The presumption (initial or founding assumption, or axiom) of a quantitative approach that the world (physical, biological, and human and social) is essentially systematic -

    Quantitative data
    Such data are either CENSUS (containing measures for the Total or Whole Population) or SAMPLE (relating only to the sub-set of then population actually asked, surveyed, observed).

    However, these statements are of ideals.  In practice, many apparently quantitative data do depend critically on the way in which they were collected, who collected then, where they were collected, when they were collected and from whom they were collected - they turn out not to be replicable, and turn out to be highly dependent on the circumstance and context of their collection, and the character and culture of the collector. They are, in short, biased.

    In particular, sample data are likely to be biased simply because they only relate to some (usually very small) sub-set of the total population, and thus may well accidentally reveal extreme rather than typical values for the population as whole.  Much of formal statistics relates to ways of testing whether or not sample data can be reliably used as measures of the whole population, while sampling methods seek to improve the reliability of sample data.

    Nevertheless, they may still count as quantitative data IF the nature of the bias can be tested - if it can be established beyond reasonable doubt (typically by statistical tests) that either the biases tend to offset each other, so that collection and definition errors tend to cancel out, or that the bias is reliably (replicably) based on, dependent on, particular characteristics (quantitative measures) of the differences in the means and methods of collection. In this case, the bias can be accounted for.

    In short - just because you have collected a number or a score or characteristic, or have found such a number, score, or character collected by someone else, does not mean that you have quantitative data.  You may well have collected qualitative data - which rely for their interpretation and identification on individual judgements about the ways in which they were collected, and the contexts and circumstances of their collection.

    The ways in which data are collected are thus critical.  Data collection is not to undertaken lightly. 

    A Cautionary Note:

    Data Sources and Uses.

    First, even if your major research focus is on qualitative data, or even if it is a review of literature and organisation of concepts (and thus not focused on data as simple information at all) you will often (if not always) need to provide some background and context as to why the issue you are addressing is important, and to whom it is important. This background will frequently require you to present some data to illustrate and describe the issue and its context. You will need to know something about how to present data and what sorts of data you need. You will frequently need to re-phrase or re-present these data - so you will need (or need to develop) some basic quantitative skills.

    Good sources of background quantitative data - on the sizes and structures of the sectors, households, people, markets, economies, societies etc. - for the UK are:

    Each of these three publications is actually a compilation of data (statistics) from a variety of different sources, all of which are referenced in these compendia, and many of which provide more detail if you need it. Those interested in marketing and market intelligence should also be aware of the Mintel database, available through the University Library system (web page).  Please make sure that you follow the sensible rules about using these data to illustrate the context and circumstances of your study.  The key sensible rule is to think through what it is that the data say, which includes thinking through what it is they represent and how they were collected.  (See, e.g. Graham (ref. above) for advice and assistance on this.

    Second: The sort of research you are doing determines your need to consider using quantitative approaches and techniques. Recall the structure of research approaches outlined earlier:

    The only branch of this decision or organisational tree which does not readily admit of a quantitative approach is the theoretical/conceptual/analytical branch, though this branch (at least in physics and economics) does depend on formal logic systems and mathematics - presupposing that the world to which the theories relate is fundamentally measurable, and thus susceptible to quantitative approaches.  All of the others can benefit from a quantitative approach, while some (especially those on the upper branches and the correlational.. branch) demand a quantitative approach.  You can only avoid quantitative approaches, in other words and according to this taxonomy, by following the interpretive/exploratory or the historical route.  Even then, some quantitative data and interpretation will almost certainly make your analysis more robust.

    The major constraint on adopting a quantitative approach, apart from individual researcher preference or skill, is the availability of appropriate empirical data (information: facts and figures). If these do not exist (as secondary data - already collected by someone else), then you will need to collect them as primary data.[Please note - data are plural, the singular is datum).

    Third: - the road map:

    The economic approach to research is to rely on secondary data if at all possible - it is cheaper and easier to get than primary data. Some key points to remember when accumulating secondary data:

    Primary (typically Sample) Data:. Summarise Metric Data: (see below for a definition of metric) Summarise non metric or categorical data: Useful resources for social surveys:

    2. Data Analysis:

    You need to think through what you are going to do with data BEFORE you rush out to collect it.

    Data is simply information - it is neither knowledge nor understanding until you analyse it - sort it out into meanings:  relationships, correlations, associations.

    The sort of relationships you are looking for determine the sorts of statistical methods you can use to test the relationships, and also determine the sort of data you need to find or collect.

    Simply collecting data without any plan of what you are looking for and how you are going to use what you collect is not science, it is not research, it is simply collecting - don't expect to be given either many marks or much respect for simply collecting information.  Squirrels do that - and even they collect nuts for a purpose.

    If you collect data before you know how you are going to use it, 'sods law' will operate - and you will discover you have either wasted a lot of time collecting data you cannot use, or have failed to collect the really vital bit of information, or, most likely, both at the same time.

    Caveatthis section of notes may be offputting to many of you.  It is deliberately dense and brief.  It is designed as a reference source, and you are not intended to learn this - you simply need to know that it exists, and that you can use it as and when your particular research (either now or in the future) needs to use it.

    The key to satisfactory and successful analysis is the conceptual design of the research. I find the metaphor of tidying up a bedroom or office helpful. The room looks like a bomb-site, with things and objects (and even people) all over the place in complete chaos. It is information without any knowledge or understanding. Sorting it out and tidying it up requires some organising plan - a set of boxes or places to put things which are related or similar and keep them separate from those which are less related or less similar. Typically we start the process without a clear plan, and develop a series of classifications as we go along - discovering that our first attempts were misconceived. In addition, we keep getting side-tracked - picking up things we never knew we had and sitting down to mend, read or use them instead of continuing with the tidying.

    The objective of the tidying up is to make the room easier and better to live in - so that it works better - we can find what we need and the the things we need to be together are together. But the appropriate places and organisation depend on how we live and what we like. What suits us may not suit other people. Nevertheless, there are common models or best-practices which have emerged through time which suggest that some forms of orgaisation are more generally acceptable and useful than others.

    In research, we typically begin with some understanding of the existing common models or best-practices - from the literature. We then refine and re-define these to better suit our own particular purposes - what sort of room is it we wish to develop? How are we going to use the results? So, what sort of results do we need and how robust and reliable do the results need to be?

    We need to decide what it is we are trying to do. We need to decide what particular aspects of the things we are looking at are important, and what can be ignored. What do we need to know about the world? What can we measure or recognise? Things (actions and people) come as bundles of attributes and attitudes. Observations of these things will be variable - the scale, pattern, or mixture of attributes and attitudes will vary depending on which thing we are looking at (and where and when we look at it). The particular attributes or attitudes we choose to concentrate on will vary between things (actions and people). We call these characteristics variables - any given observation will consist of one or more of particular values of these variables - either metric values (size or rank (order)) or nonmetric values (a category, such as gender, social class, occupation etc.). The values of the variables become our data.

    There are three key, critical questions we need to ask about our data - the mess in the room.

    These three questions ultimately determine the most appropriate method for tidying up the roomfull of observations. Having chosen which particular data we are going to collect (observe and measure or classify), or having already got some particular data set (collection of observations), the answers to these questions then determine what sort of analysis is most appropriate.

    Hair et al. provide a map for the determination of which analytical approach we need:

    Hair et al. (p 19) outline the relationships between the various multivariate approaches for the dependence branches in the above tree as follows:
    Method Dependent Variables (=) Independent or explanatory variables
    Connonical Correlation Y1, Y2, Y3, ..(metric and non-metric) X1, X2, X3, .. (metric and nonmetric)
    Mutivariate Anova (Anal. of Var.) Y1, Y2, Y3, ..(metric) X1, X2, X3, .. (nonmetric)
    Anal. of Var. Y1 (metric) X1, X2, X3, .. (nonmetric)
    Mutiple Discriminant Analysis Y1 (nonmetric) X1, X2, X3, .. (metric)
    Mutiple Regression Analysis Y1 (metric) X1, X2, X3, .. (metric and nonmetric)
    Conjoint Analysis Y1 (metric and nonmetric) X1, X2, X3, .. (nonmetric)
    Structural Equation Modelling Y1 (metric) =

    Y2 (metric) =

    Y3 (metric) =

    X11, X12, X13 .. (metric and nonmetric)

    X21, X22, X23 .. (metric and nonmetric)

    X31, X32, X33 .. (metric and nonmetric)

    For interdependence conceptions of the way the world is, the key distinction is the focus of the analysis on the type of inter-relationship. If the focus is on classifying groups of people (or things) as groups of objects defined according to multivariate dimensions, then multidimensional scaling or correspondence analysis should be used, depending on whether or not the dimensions are considered to be metric or nonmetric. These techniques group objects according to the distances displayed by each object on each dimension, where the dimensions themselves are pre-specified by the researcher.

    Cluster analysis is a technique which seeks to identify the relevant dimensions by grouping cases/respondents according to their overall similarity or differences according to the measured dimensions of the variables observed.

    Factor analysis seeks to condense a large number of variables into a smaller number of factors (sometimes called variates - as groups of variables) which underly the relationships shown between the variables across the respondents or cases.



    Those who have been thinking about these notes, and comparing them with the companion session on 'Qualitative' research, will have noticed that the distinction between quantitative and qualitative techniques is pretty messy and indistinct.  It is perfectly possible to develop more or less plausible and definsible arguments that any and all data are either inherently qualitative or inherently quantitative.

    To be sure, quantitative researchers typically rely heavily on statistical techniques, and spend a lot of time with computational algorithms and software packages trying to get their data to tell the truth.  Qualitative researchers, on the other hand, spend their time poring over transcripts or recordings of interviews, detailed notes of focus groups or participant research, etc., similarly trying to get their data to tell the truth.  But are their methods really so different?  They are both looking for bias, reliability, replicability, objectivity, scientific rigour etc.

    Perhaps a better and more useful distinction is between those who rely on EXTENSIVE research - collecting information on a few apparently salient characteristics and measures of lots of people, or events; and those who rely on INTENSIVE research - collecting a large amount of detailed information on diverse characteristics about rather few people and events.  Even then, it is not the data, as such, which distinguish these different research approaches - rather it is typically their view of the way the world works, or the ways in which the workings of the world can be best observed, examined and understood.

    Such considerations  should lead us to think more carefully about what it is that social science is actually trying to do, and whether or not it has any chance of doing it.  My companion session trys to deal with these questions.  Here, the thinking becomes especially philosophical, which is not to everyone's taste.  However, you should all at least be aware (beware) of these rather fundamental questions, since they underpin everything we think of as research - and thus everything we think of.  Yes, this is tough stuff - but this is a Master's course, and people with an MSc or MA should be able to tackle tough questions and make some sense of them.  Otherwise, what is the point?  Otherwise, why should you expect other people to take you seriously and respect your qualification?

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