Ms. Ruijia Wu has joined Haoyu’s research group as a visiting researcher.

Ruijia is a PhD student in Civil Engineering at Zhejiang University, China, under the supervision of Prof. Yan Xiao. She is currently a visiting researcher at Newcastle University, working under the supervision of Haoyu. Her research focuses on the mechanical properties of engineered bamboo materials, multi-story tall bamboo structures, engineered mass bamboo buildings, seismic design, and carbon footprints. During her time at Newcastle University, Ruijia aims to integrate her expertise with the research conducted by Haoyu’s group. This collaboration not only advances her research but also fosters stronger connections between Newcastle University and Zhejiang University.

Her profile can be found at here.

Haoyu participated a research on ‘In-situ U-value measurements of typical building envelopes in a severe cold region of China: U-value variations and energy Implications’

In 2024, Haoyu participated in a research led by Jiaqi Yu at the University of Sheffield and Prof. Wen-Shao Chang at the University of Lincoln. It has now been published in Energy and Buildings. Unlike Haoyu’s usual focus on structural engineering, this research was centered on the built environment. The shift was motivated by the critical importance of addressing operational carbon emissions and energy efficiency in the context of achieving net-zero goals. Additionally, studying U-values is a key aspect of this research.

Haoyu plans to use this opportunity to expand his research into the built environment and carbon-related topics. Currently, he supervises two PhD students, Ms. Zhenhong Zhao and Ms. Yaxuan Yi, who are conducting research on low-carbon solutions for timber buildings. Haoyu hopes these works will lead to significant outcomes and welcomes collaborations with others interested in his research.

Haoyu presented in the 1st International Conference on Engineering Structures

The 1st International Conference on Engineering Structures (ICES2024) was successfully held from 8th to 11th November in Guangzhou, China. ICES2024 marks the inaugural event in a series of conferences launched under the auspices of Engineering Structures. This international, multidisciplinary forum brought together scientists and engineers to share the latest innovations and achievements, discuss current trends and emerging challenges in the fields of structural engineering and structural mechanics, and foster information exchange and cross-disciplinary collaboration within this dynamic domain.

Haoyu presented his recent collaborative research with Nanjing Tech University titled Performance of DELTABEAM-CLT Composite Floors Under Human-Induced Vibration. His presentation received excellent feedback from the audience, sparking engaging discussions and paving the way for potential future collaborations.

Haoyu presented in The 20th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering

The 20th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering was successfully held in 23rd- 24th October 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland. Haoyu participated in the conference and presented his latest research on Enhancing Vibration Control to Expand Timber Floor Applications in Future Wood Engineering.

Haoyu engaged in productive and insightful discussions with academics from institutions such as Edinburgh Napier University, the University of Göttingen, Nanjing Forestry University, and others. These interactions provided valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange and potential collaborations.

Abstract of the conference paper: The construction sectors account for almost 40% of global CO2 emissions. Timber floors, especially cross-laminated timber (CLT) floors, have been gaining popularity worldwide as an effective solution to reducing CO2 emissions and sequestering atmospheric carbon. However, given the lightweight nature of timber, timber floors are vulnerable to excessive vibration, especially in modern buildings designed with open spaces for flexible use. This research aimed to investigate the effect of beam–panel connections on the vibration serviceability of CLT floors and also explores the application of tuned mass damper (TMD) system to further control the vibration.
In terms of the beam-panel connections, the research variables were the size (diameter and length) of and spacing between coach screws. Cyclic tests were first conducted on specimens of beam–panel connections with varying screw sizes. Then, the results were used to establish and verify a numerical model of a full-scale CLT floor, referring to experimental results of previous research. The vibration performance of floors with different screw configurations was analysed, and a theoretical model that considers beam–panel connections was proposed to estimate the fundamental natural frequency of the CLT floor. The following conclusions were drawn: The size of screws had limited influence on the fundamental natural frequency and damping ratio of the floor. Reducing the spacing between screws increased the fundamental natural frequency of the floor system by 4.3%, corresponding to an 8.8% increase in the effective stiffness. Reducing the spacing between screws is an effective way to improve floor serviceability. By reducing the spacing between screws from 1400 mm to 181 mm, the VDV decreased by 38.3%. Finally, a process of CLT floors serviceability design was proposed. VDV can be predicted based on weighted peak acceleration response. Various factors, such as the property and boundary conditions of floors, and the human-induced excitation were considered.
Regarding the control of vibration in timber floors, this study has developed a multi-TMD (MTMD) system aimed at mitigating human-induced vibrations on CLT floors. We designed two different 3-TMD systems and a 5-TMD system, each tailored to be effective within specific frequency bandwidths. The findings indicate that the 5-TMD system is the most effective at reducing human-induced vibrations, such as those caused by activities like slow walking by one or two people, fast walking, and running, due to its ability to cover a broader frequency range. Moreover, when the loads on the CLT floor varied, the SMA-based 5-TMD system demonstrated significant robustness, successfully maintaining low response levels. This study demonstrates that using TMD systems effectively reduces vibrations in timber floors, potentially encouraging their use in modern construction. These advancements expand timber floor applications in future wood engineering, promoting sustainable construction practices and reducing CO2 emissions.

Academic visiting to Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

Prof. Sean Wilkinson and Dr. Haoyu Huang were honoured to be invited by Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT), China, for an academic visit in the first week of September 2024. During this visit, Prof. Wilkinson delivered an engaging keynote presentation on Future-Proofing Infrastructure Using Consequence Forecasting, providing valuable insights into predictive methodologies for enhancing the resilience of modern infrastructure. Dr. Huang presented a talk titled Modern Timber Construction and Vibration Control, showcasing cutting-edge advancements in timber engineering and strategies for mitigating structural vibrations.

The visit also featured a series of interactive academic seminars that brought together academics, students, and researchers to discuss critical topics such as building resilience, bio-based construction, and sustainable development practices. These discussions fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Prof. Wilkinson and Dr. Huang had the opportunity to tour the new structural laboratories at the university’s Caotang Campus.

This visit marked the beginning of promising research collaborations between XAUAT and Newcastle University. Both Prof. Wilkinson and Dr. Huang expressed optimism about future visits, envisioning further opportunities for co-research, student exchanges, and collaborative innovations in sustainable and resilient construction.

Enhancing CLT floor vibration mitigation with pre-strained shape memory alloy-tuned mass dampers

I am excited to announce our new publication in Structures. Our research presents an innovative SMA-based TMD system designed to reduce vibrations in CLT floors. In our previous studies, a low damping ratio in SMA posed a challenge. However, in this research, we utilised pre-straining to enlarge and adjust the damping ratio to an optimal level. Through experimental testing, we have successfully verified the effectiveness of this TMD system.

Article link


Cross-laminated timber (CLT), recognised for its environmental benefits, faces challenges in its excessive human-induced vibration due to its lightweight nature. This research investigates the application of a tuned mass damper (TMD) for vibration control in CLT floor slabs, focusing on enhancing the structural performance of using this sustainable building material. The study introduces a solution by integrating Shape memory alloy (SMA) into TMD systems (SMA-TMD), utilising the properties of SMAs for effective self-centring and consistent damping, and it aims to incorporate pre-strained SMAs into TMDs to improve the damping performance of the system. Experimental testing and finite element simulations confirm that pre-straining SMA bars not only contribute to the self-centring but also considerably increase the equivalent viscous damping ratio of the SMA-TMD. Findings from the simulations demonstrate that the optimised SMA-TMD system can substantially reduce CLT floor vibration and accelerates the energy dissipation effect under human footfall loadings, overcoming one of the primary limitations of CLT in construction applications. This advancement supports the broader adoption of CLT as a sustainable building material by providing a viable solution for vibration control.

Haoyu is appointed as the Associate Editor of journal Proceedings of the ICE – Engineering History and Heritage

I have been appointed as the Associate Editor of journal Proceedings of the ICE – Engineering History and Heritage. This journal welcomes all papers that relate to the History and Heritage of Civil Engineering, which includes infrastructure and buildings. It aims to reflect the full broad scope of Civil Engineering in papers that increase the knowledge and understanding of civil engineers when designing and constructing their works. Examples of topics can be found here.

I warmly welcome you to submit your work to our journal!

Long-Term Loading Effect on Vibration Performance of CLT Floors: An 896-Day Monitoring Study

I am excited to share our latest publication, titled “Long-Term Loading Effect on Vibration Performance of CLT Floors: An 896-Day Monitoring Study,” in Engineering Structures. The tests were conducted over three years, from 2020 to 2023. I look forward to engaging in insightful discussions about our findings!


Timber, a viscoelastic material, undergoes deformation over time when exposed to sustained loads, a process known as creep. Its rising popularity as a construction material, especially for timber floors, is notable. However, the influence of creep on the dynamic characteristics of timber floors, such as their natural frequency and vibration response, is not well studied. This research focused on how long-term loading (creep) affects the vibration behaviours of a cross-laminated timber (CLT) floor. A full-scale CLT floor was constructed in a lab and subjected to long-term loading using sandbags. Over 896 days, the centroid point deflection and environmental conditions (temperature and relative humidity) were monitored. Human-induced vibration tests were carried out at the beginning, throughout, and at the end of this period. The vibration response, measured in terms of the Vibration Dose Value (VDV), was assessed at various stages of long-term loading. The findings showed a moderate positive correlation between the creep deflection and environmental conditions. The fundamental frequency slightly increased over time due to creep, and a general decrease in VDV was observed as the creep advanced.

Haoyu visited Qingdao University of Technology

On 8-9 May 2024, Haoyu was invited to visit Qingdao University of Technology. During the visit, Haoyu was hosted by Associate Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, Prof. Junwei Liu, and Lecturer Dr. Xuhong Huang. Additionally, Haoyu met with the Vice President of the university, Prof. Jijun Miao. Haoyu presented research on “Bio-based Material Construction and its Vibration Control” and introduced Newcastle University and its Civil Engineering to the staff and students. Both parties expressed strong interest in pursuing teaching and research collaborations.

Qingdao University of Technology, located in Qingdao City, China, is renowned for its strength in engineering and science, particularly in Civil Engineering. The university boasts advanced facilities including a 4m x 4m shaking table, an oven for fire tests, and a well-established structural lab capable of conducting dynamic and static tests.

Haoyu presented as a keynote speaker at conference ISBTS2023

Haoyu was invited to deliver a keynote speech on ‘Seismic Control and Reduction of CLT Structures’ at The 2nd International Symposium on Bamboo and Timber Structures in Nanjing, China. He primarily presented his research findings on the application of SMA-based tuned mass dampers for controlling tall CLT structures, and his pioneering design of SMA-dowelled resilient timber connections. Below are the two papers the presentation was based:

  1. Yan L, Li Y, Chang W-S, Huang H. Seismic control of cross laminated timber (CLT) structure with shape memory alloy-based semi-active tuned mass damper (SMA-STMD). Structures 2023, 57, 105093.
  2. Huang H, Chang W-S. Enhancing resilience in timber connections with SMA dowel and DVW reinforcement. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering History and Heritage 2023

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in our research.