Riot, Rebellion and Revolution: British Political History, 1603-1660:

Dr Jeremy Boulton

Mondays, 12 noon, Lecture Room A

Reading list and thematic bibliography: Semester 2: 2001, 29/1/2001

This is an exhausting (but far from exhaustive) list of the main works on this period. Only a few articles are included: those wishing to find out more should browse in recent volumes of the following journals: The Historical Journal; Past and Present: Journal of British Studies; English Historical Review; Historical Research. Other books or articles will be recommended in lectures. You should remember, too, that many journals are now also provided by the Robinson library in electronic form, enabling you to read onscreen or print out articles published recently, and in some cases since the journal's beginnings.

This is the URL for Electronic journals:

This is the URL for the Riot and Rebellion Home page, which you can also access via the History department home page:

You are also advised to browse in the appropriate sections of the Robinson Library. I have put in some Shelf marks to make this a simple task. Also remember that the History department has a small but useful seminar library.

The thematic bibliography attempts to provide a rough guide to the subject areas covered by each book. It is rather long, but then at least you will have less reason to say: 'I couldn't find any books'... Books of especial importance are in bold italic. Vital works are also underlined.


The textbooks are not included in the thematic bibliography but should always be consulted. Also get used to consulting documents, where possible.

The following books are recommended as basic textbooks for this part of the course. This period is overburdened with good textbooks and readers..

Bradshaw, B. and Roberts, P. (1998). British Consciousness and Identity. The Making of Britain, 1533-1707.

Coward, B. (1978). The Stuart Age.

Cust, R., & Hughes, A. (Eds.). (1989). Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics 1603-1642 . Longman. 941.06-CON.

Hirst, D. (1986). Authority and Conflict, 1603-1658.

Houston, S. J., (1995), James I, Second Edition, Longman Seminar study.

Hughes, A. (1991). The Causes of the English Civil War

Lockyer, R. (1989). The Early Stuarts. A Political History of England 1603-1642. Longman.

B. Quintrell, Charles I, 1625-1640. Longman seminar study.

Russell, C. (1990a). The Causes of the English Civil War. Oxford: Clarendon. 941.062-RUS.

Scott, J. (2000). England's Troubles. Seventeenth-Century English Political Instability in European Context.

D. L. Smith (1998). A History of the Modern British Isles, 1603-1707. The Double Crown

D. L. Smith (2000) The Stuart Parliaments, 1603-1689

D. Underdown, (1996 ). A Freeborn People. Politics and the nation in seventeenth-century England

Reading List

Acheson, R. J. (1990 ). Radical Puritans in England 1550-1660 .

Adamson, J. S. A. (1987). The Projected Settlement of 1647. Historical Journal

Adamson, J. S. A. (1990). The Baronial Context of the English Civil War. Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., ,

Adamson, J. S. A. (1991). Politics and the Nobility in Civil-War England. Historical Journal, 34(1), 231-55.

Ashton, R. (1960). The Crown and the Money Market.

Ashton, R. (1978). The English Civil War.

Ashton, R. (1979). The City and the Court.

Aston, M. (1988). England's Iconoclasts.

Atherton, I. (1998) Ambition and failure in Stuart England. The career of John, 1st Viscount Scudamore, 1620-43.

Aylmer, G. (Eds.). (1972). The Interregnum. The Quest for Settlement .

Aylmer, G. (Eds.). (1975). The Levellers in the English Revolution .

Aylmer, G. E. (1974). The King's Servants.

Aylmer, G. E. (1987). Rebellion or Revolution? England from Civil War to Restoration. Oxford: O.U.P. 941.062-AYL.

Barnard, T. (1982). The English Republic 1649-1660.

Barnard, T. C. (1975). Cromwellian Ireland. English Government and Reform in Ireland, 1649-1660. Oxford: 941.506-BAR.

Baskerville, S. (1993). The Political Theology of the English Revolution.

Bellany, A., (1995) A Poem on the Archbishop's Hearse: Puritanism, Libel, and Sedition after the Hampton Court Conference. J. Brit. Stud., 34, , pp. 137-64.

Bennett, M. (1996), The Civil Wars in Britain and Ireland, 1638-1651

Braddick, M. J., (1996) The Nerves of State. Taxation and the financing of the English State, 1558-1714

Bradshaw, B. and Roberts, P., (1998) British Consciousness and Identity. The Making of Britain, 1533-1707.

Brenner, R. (1993). Merchants and Revolution. Commercial Change, Political Conflict and London Overseas Traders, 1550-1653. C.U.P. 942.106 BRE

Brown, K. (1992). Scotland and the Regal Union 1603-1715. Macmillan.

Burgess, G. (1992). The Divine Right of Kings Reconsidered. English Historical Review, CCCCXXV(425), 837-61.

Burgess, G. (2000) British Political Thought, 1500-1707

Capp, B. (1972). The Fifth Monarchy Men.

Capp, B. (1989). Cromwell's Navy. 941.063-CAP.

Carlton, C. (1983). Charles I, the Personal Monarch.

Carlton, C. (1987). Archbishop William Laud.

Carlton, C. (1993). Going to the Wars. The Experience of the British Civil Wars, 1638-1651. Routledge. 941.06 CAR

Christianson, P. (1994). 'Arguments on billeting and martial law in the parliament of 1628.' Hist. J.37: 539-67.

Clark, J. C. D. (1986). Revolution and Rebellion. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Clark, P., Smith, A. G. R., & Tyacke, N. (Eds.). (1979). The English Commonwealth 1547-1640 .

Cliffe, J. T. (1966). The Yorkshire Gentry.

Cliffe, J. T. (1987). Puritans in Conflict.

Cliffe, T. (1993). Puritan Gentry Beseiged. Routledge. 942.06 CLI

Cogswell, T. (1989). The Blessed Revolution. English Politics and the Coming of War, 1621-1624. C.U.P. 941.061-COG.

Cogswell, T. (1990). A Low road to extinction: parliament and supply in the 1620s. Historical Journal, , .

Cogswell, T. (1992). The House of Commons at War, 1621-29.

Cogswell, T. (1998).Home Divisions. Aristocracy, the state and provincial conflict.

Collinson, P. (1982 ). The religion of Protestants .

Collinson, P. (1987). The Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.

Collinson, P. and J. Craig, (1998) The Reformation in English Towns, 1500-1640
Cope, E. (1987). Politics without Parliaments, 1629-1640.

Coward, B. (1978). The Stuart Age.

Coward, B. (1991). Oliver Cromwell. Longman. 941.064-CRO(COW).

Crawford, P. (1979). Denzil Holles 1598-1680. A Study of his Political career.

Croft, P., (1995) Libels, popular literacy and public opinion in early modern England. Hist. Res., 68, pp. 266-85.

Cust, R. (1985). Charles I and the Forced Loan. Journal of British Studies, ,

Cust, R. (1987). The Forced Loan and English Politics 1626-1628. Clarendon. 941.062-CUS.

Cust, R., (1995) Honour and Politics in Early Stuart England: The Case of Beaumont v. Hastings. P. & P., 149, , pp. 57-94.

Cust, R. (1985), News and Politics in Early Seventeenth-Century England, Past and Present 52, 60-90.

Cust, R. (1990). Charles I and a draft declaration for the 1628 Parliament. Historical Research, ,

Cust, R. (1992). Anti-puritanism and urban politics: Charles I and Great Yarmouth. Historical Journal, 35(1), 1-26.

Cust, R., & Hughes, A. (Eds.). (1989). Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics 1603-1642 . Longman. 941.06-CON.

Davies, J. (1992). The Caroline Captivity of the Church. Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism 1625-1641. Clarendon. 283.42 DAV

Davis, J. C. (1986). Fear, myth and History.

Davis, J. C. (1992). Religion and the struggle for freedom in the English Revolution.

Donagan, B. (1988). Codes and Conduct in the English Civil War. Past and Present

Donald, P. H. (1990). An Uncounselled King. Charles I and the Scottish Troubles, 1637-1641. C.U.P. 941.1062-DON.

Dow, F. D. (1979). Cromwellian Scotland, 1651-60. Edinburgh: 941.106-DOW.

Dow, F. D. (1984). Radicalism in the English Revolution.

Duffy, E. (1986 ). The godly and the multitude. The seventeenth century journal

Durston, C. (1989 ). The Family in the English Revolution .

Durston, C. (1993). James I. Routledge.

Eales, J. (1990). Puritans and Roundheads. The Harleys of Brampton and the Outbreak of the English Civil War. C.U.P. 942.062-EAL.

Eales, J., and Durston, C., (1995), The Culture of English Puritanism, 1560-1700

Eley, G., & Hunt, W. (1988). Reviving the English Revolution.

Everitt, A. (1966). The Community of Kent and the Great Rebellion.

Fielding, J. (1988). Opposition to the Personal Rule: the diary of Robert Woodford. Historical Journal

Fincham, K. (1990). The Jacobean Episcopate.

Fincham, K. (Eds.). (1993). The Early Stuart Church, 1603-42 . Macmillan. 274.206 EAR

Fincham, K., & Lake, P. (1985). The Ecclesiastical policy of James I. Journal of British Studies

Firth, C. H. (1900). Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans. Oxford: 941.064-CRO(FIR).

Firth, C. H. (1909). The Last Years of the Protectorate. Another classic, possibly not altogether up-to-date.

Fletcher, A. (1981). The Outbreak of the English Civil War. London: E.Arnold. 941.062-FLE, 941.063-FLE.

Fletcher, A., & Stevenson, J. (Eds.). (1985 ). Order and Disorder in Early Modern England . [942 05-ORD c.1 ].

Friedman, J. (1987). Blasphemy, Immorality and Anarchy.

Friedman, J. (1993). Miracles and the Pulp Press during the English Revolution. The Battle of the Frogs and Fairford's Flies.

Freist, D., (1997), Governed by opinion. Politics, religion and the dynamics of communication in Stuart London, 1637-1645.

Gardiner, S. R. (1903). History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate. The classic narrative account. Not up-to-date.

Gardiner, S. R. (Eds.). (1906). Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution .

Gaunt, P. (1989). Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate Councillors. Historical Journal

Gentles, I. (1991). The New Model Army in England, Ireland and Scotland. Oxford: Blackwell. 941.062-GEN.

I. Gentles, J. Morrill and B. Worden eds., (1998), Soldiers, Writers and Statesmen of the English Revolution

Gregg, P. (1988). Oliver Cromwell.

P. Griffiths, Adam Fox, S. Hindle (1996), The Experience of Authority in Early Modern England

Gurney, J. (1994). 'Gerrard Winstanley and the Digger Movement in Walton and Cobham.' Hist. J. 37(4): 775-802.

Halliday, P. D. (1998), Dismembering the Body Politic. Partisan politics in England’s Towns, 1650-1730

Harris, T. ed. (2000), The politics of the excluded, c. 1500-1850

Hexter, J. H. (1941). The reign of King Pym.

Hibbard, C. (1983). Charles I and the Popish Plot.

Hill, C. (1964 ). Society and Puritanism in Pre-revolutionary England .

Hill, C. (1970). God's Englishman. Harmondsworth: 941.064-CRO(HIL).

Hill, C. (1972 ). The World Turned Upside Down .

Hill, C. (1978). Milton and the Puritan Revolution.

Hirst, D. (1986). Authority and Conflict, 1603-1658.

Hirst, D. (1991). The failure of godly rule in the English Commonwealth. Past and Present, 132 , 33-66.

Holland, S. (1994). 'Archbishop Abbot and the problem of "puritanism".' Hist. J. 37: 23-43.

Hollis, D. W. (1994). 'The Crown Lands and the Financial Dilemma in Stuart England.' Albion 26: 419-442.

Holmes, C. (1975). The Eastern Association in the English Civil War.

Howarth, D. (1997), Images of Rule. Art and Politics in the English Renaissance, 1485-1649.

Houston, S. J. (1973). James I. Second edition, 1995.

Hoyle, R. W. (Eds.). (1992). The Estates of the English Crown, 1558-1640 . C.U.P. 333.10942-EST.

Hughes, A. (1987). Politics, society, and Civil War in Warwickshire, 1620-1660. Cambridge: C.U.P. 942.48-HUG.

Hughes, A. (1991). The causes of the English Civil War. London: Macmillan Education. 941.061-HUG.

Hughes, A., & Cust, R. (Eds.). (1989). Conflict in Early Stuart England: Studies in Religion and Politics 1603-1642 .

Hutton, R. (1981). The Royalist War Effort.

Hutton, R. (1990). The British Republic, 1649-1660.

Jones, C. (1986). Politics and People in Revolutionary England.

Jones, C. (Eds.). (1989). A pillar of the constitution: the House of Lords in British Politics, 1603-1784 .

Jones, J. R. (1966). Britain and Europe in the Seventeenth Century. Arnold.

Kendall, R. T. (1979). Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649.

S. Kelsey, (1997) Inventing a Republic. The political culture of the English commonwealth, 1649-1653.

Kennedy, D. E. (2000), The English Revolution, 1642-49

Kenyon, J. (1992). Revisionism and Post-Revisionism in Early Stuart History. Journal of Modern History, 64(4), 686-99. PER 900-JOU.

Kenyon, J. P. (Eds.). (1986). The Stuart Constitution, 1603-1688: Documents and Commentary . 2nd edn.

Kenyon, J. P. (1987). The Civil Wars in England.

Kishlanksy, M. (1979). The Rise of the New Model Army. 941.062-KIS.

Kishlansky, M. (1978). The Creation of the New Model Army. Past and Present

Kishlansky, M. (1982). Ideology and Politics in the Parliamentary Armies, 1645-9. In J. Morrill (Ed.), Reactions to the English Civil War (941.063-REA.

Kishlansky, M. (1986). Parliamentary Selection.

Lake, P. (1982). Moderate Puritans and the English Church.

Lake, P. (1987). Calvinism and the English Church. Past and Present

Lake, P. (1988). Anglicans and Puritans?

Lambert, S. (1986). The Printers and the Government. In M. Harris (Ed.), The Press in English Society

Lambert, S. (1989). Richard Montagu, Arminianism and censorship. Past and Present, 124,

Lambert, S. (1990). Committees, religion and Parliamentary Encroachments on Royal Authority in Early Stuart England. English Historical Review

Lamont, W. (1970). Godly Rule.

Lamont, W. (1979). Richard Baxter and the Millenium.

Lamont, W. (1983). The Muggletonians. Past and Present, ,

Lamont, W., (1996), Puritanism and historical controversy

Laurence, A. (1989). Parliamentary Army Chaplains.

Lee, M. (1990). The British Saloman: James VI and I in his three Kingdoms.

Lindley, K. (1986 ). London and popular freedom in the 1640s. In R. C. Richardson, & G. M. Ridden (Ed.), Freedom and the English Revolution: Essays in History and Literature

Lindley, K., (1997), Popular politics and religion in Civil War London.

Lindley, K. (1998). The English Civil War and Revolution. A source book

Lockyer, R. (1981). Buckingham. The life and political career of George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham, 1592-1628. Longman. 941.061-BUC.

Lockyer, R. (1989). The Early Stuarts. A Political History of England 1603-1642. Longman.

J. Maltby, (1998), Prayer book and People in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England

Manning, B. (1976). The English people and the English Revolution.

Mathew, D. (1967). James I.

McGregor, J., & Reay, B. (Eds.). (1984). Radical religion in the English Revolution. .

McIlwain, C. H. (Eds.). (1965). The Political Works of James I .

P. E. McCullough (1998) Sermons at Court, 1559-1625. Religion and politics in Elizabethan and Jacobean preaching 251.00942 MAC

Mendle, M. (1987). Dangerous positions.

Mendle, M., (1995) De Facto Freedom, De Facto Authority: Press and Parliament, 1640-1643. Hist. J., 38, , pp. 307-32.

Moir, T. L. (1958). The Addled Parliament of 1614.

Morrill, J. (Eds.). (1990). Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution . Longman. Important and most recent collection of essays.

Morrill, J. (Eds.). (1991). The Impact of the English Civil War . Notably chapter by I. Gentles on New Model Army. 941.062-IMP.

Morrill, J. (Eds.). (1992b). Revolution and Restoration. England in the 1650s . Collins & Brown.

Morrill, J. (1993). The Nature of the English Revolution. Longman.

Morrill, J., & Daniels, C. (Eds.). (1989). Charles I .

Morrill, J. S. (1972). Mutiny and Discontent in English Provincial Armies. Past and Present, 56.

Morrill, J. S. (1974). Cheshire, 1630-1660.

Morrill, J. S. (1976). The Revolt of the Provinces. Conservatives and Radicals in the English Civil War, 1630-1650. Allen and Unwin. 941.062-MOR.

Morrill, J. S. (1985). The Religious Context of the English Civil War. Trans. Royal. Hist. Soc., ,

Morrill, J. S. (1992a). The Causes of the British Civil Wars. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 43(4), 624-33. PER 200-JOU.

Morrill, J. S. & Bradshaw, B., eds., (1995) The British Problem, 1534-1707

Morrill, J. S., & Underdown, D. (1987). The Ecology of Allegiance. Journal British Studies, ,

O'Brien, P. K., & Hunt, P. A. (1993). The rise of a fiscal state in England, 1485-1815. Historical Research, 66(160), 129-76. PER 900-HIS.

O'Day, R. (1979 ). The English Clergy, 1558-1642 .

Paul, R. S. (1955). The Lord Protector. 941.064-CRO(PAU).

Paul, R. S. (1985). The Assembly of the Lord.

Peck, L. L. (1983). Northampton: Patronage and politics under James I.

Peck, L. L. (Eds.). (1991). The Mental World of the Jacobean Court . C.U.P. 941.06-MEN.

Peck, L. L. (1993). Court Patronage and Corruption in Early Stuart England. Routledge. 942.06-PEC.

Phillipson, N., & Skinner, Q. (Eds.). (1993). Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain . C.U.P.

A. Plowden, (1998), Our women all on fire. The women of the English Civil War

Pocock, J. (Eds.). (1975). The Political works of James Harrington .

Popofsky, L. (1990). The crisis over tunnage and poundage in the Parliament of 1629. Past and Present, ,

Prestich, M. (1966). Cranfield: Business and Politics under the early Stuarts.

Prothero, G. W. (Eds.). (1913). Select Statutes and Other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I .

Reay, B. (1985 ). The Quakers and the English Revolution . [289 69-REA].

Reeve, L. J. (1989). Charles I and the Road to Personal Rule. C.U.P: 941.062-CHA(Ree).

Richardson, R. C. (1989). The Debate on the English Revolution Revisited.

Richardson, R. C., & Ridden, G. M. (Eds.). (1986). Freedom and the English Revolution. Essays in history and literature . Manchester U.P. 941.062-FRE Especially articles by Howell and Morrill.

Roots, I. (Eds.). (1973). Cromwell, A Profile .

Russell, C. (Eds.). (1973). The Origins of the English Civil War .

Russell, C. (1979). Parliaments and English Politics 1621-1629.

Russell, C. (1987). The British Problem and the English Civil War. History, 72.

Russell, C. (1990a). The Causes of the English Civil War. Oxford: Clarendon. 941.062-RUS.

Russell, C. (1990b). Unrevolutionary England, 1603-1642. Hambledon. 941.061-RUS.

Russell, C. (1991). The fall of the British monarchies, 1637-1642. Oxford: Clarendon. 941.062-RUS.

Sanderson, J. (1989). The Philosophical Basis of the English Civil War.

Scott, J. (1988). Sidney's Republic.

Seaver, P. (1970). The Puritan Lectureships. Stanford:

Sharp, R. (Eds.). (1983). Political Ideas of the English Civil War .

Sharpe, K. (Eds.). (1978). Faction and Parliament. Essays in Early Stuart History . Methuen.

Sharpe, K. (1986). Crown, Parliament and the Localities. English Historical Review, ,

Sharpe, K. (1987a). Criticism and Compliment. The Politics of Literature in the England of Charles I. C.U.P. 820.9004-SHA.

Sharpe, K. (Eds.). (1989). Politics and Ideas in Early Stuart England . Pinter. 941.06-SHA.

Sharpe, K. (1992). The Personal Rule of Charles I. Yale. 941.062-CHA(Sha).

Sharpe, K., & Zwicker, S. (Eds.). (1987b). The Politics of Discourse .

Shephard, R. (1992). Court Factions in Early Modern England. Journal of Modern History, 64(4), 721-45. PER 900-JOU.

Sherwood, R. E. (1977). The Court of Oliver Cromwell. 941.064-CRO(SHE).

Smith, A. G. R. (Eds.). (1973). The Reign of James VI and I .

Smith, D. L. (1991). Oliver Cromwell and the Great Rebellion.

Smith, D. L. Strier, R. Bevington, D. (1995)(eds), The Theatrical City. Culture, Theatre and Politics in London, 1576-1649

Smith, H. L. (1998) Women writers and the early modern British political tradition

Smuts, R. M. (1987). Court Culture and the Making of a Royalist Culture.

Smuts, R. M. (1999), Culture and power in England, c. 1585-1685

Sommerville, J. P. (1986). Politics and Ideology in England, 1603-1640. Longman.

Spalding, R. (1975). The Improbable Puritan.

J. Spurr, (1998), English Puritanism

Starkey, D. (Eds.). (1987). The English Court. From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War . Longman. 942.04-ENG.

Stone, L. (1972). The causes of the English Revolution, 1529-1642. London: R.K.P. 942.05-STO.

Tanner, J. R. (Eds.). (1930). Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I .

Tawney, R. H. (1958). Business and Politics under James I.

Thomas, K. (1958 ). Women and the Civil War Sects. Past and Present_

Thomas, K. (1978 ). The Puritans and Adultery: the Act of 1650 Reconsidered. In K. V. Thomas, & D. H. Pennington (Ed.), Puritans and Revolutionaries

R. Tittler, (1998), The Reformation and the towns in England. Politics and Political Culture, c. 1540-1640

Todd, M., (1995), Reformation to Revolution. Politics and Religion in Early Modern England

Tolmie, M. (1977). The Triumph of the Saints.

Tomlinson, H. (Eds.). (1983). Before the English Civil War. Essays on Early Stuart Politics and Government . Macmillan. 941.06-BEF.

Tyacke, N. (1990). Anti-Calvinists. The Rise of English Arminianism, c. 1590-1640. Clarendon. 274.206-TYA.

Tyacke, N. (1997), England's Long Reformation

Underdown, D. (1960). Royalist Conspiracy in England, 1646-60.

Underdown, D. (1971). Pride's Purge.

Underdown, D. (1991 ). Fire from Heaven: life in a seventeenth-century English Town .

Venning, T. (1995). Cromwellian Foreign Policy, Macmillan.

Walsham, A. (1994). '"The Fatall Vesper": Providentialism and anti-popery in late Jacobean London.' Past and Present. 144: 36-87.

Walsham, A. (1999), Providence in Early Modern England

Watt, T. (1991). Cheap Print and Popular Piety, 1550-1640.

Webster, T., (1997), Godly clergy in Early Stuart England. The Caroline Puritan Movement, 1620-1643

Willen, D., (1995) "Communion of the Saints": Spiritual Reciprocity and the Godly Community in Early Modern England. Albion, 27, , pp. 19-41.

White, P. (1992). Predestination, Policy and Polemic. Conflict and Consensus in the English Church from the Reformation to the Civil War. C.U.P. 283.42-WHI.

Winstanley, G. (1973). The Law of Freedom and other writings. Penguin.

Woolrych, A. (1983a). England without a King.

Woolrych, A. (1983b). Commonwealth to Protectorate.

Woolrych, A. (1987). Soldiers and Statesmen.

Woolrych, A. (1990a). Cromwell as a soldier. In J. Morrill (Ed.), Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution

Woolrych, A. (1990b). The Cromwellian Proctorate: a military dictatorship? History, ,

Woolrych, A. (1992). Looking back at the Levellers. Historian, 34, 3-8.

Wootton, D. (Eds.). (1986). Divine Right and Democracy. An Anthology of Political Writing in Stuart England . Penguin.

Worden, B. (1974). The Rump Parliament 1648-53. Cambridge: 941.063-WOR.

Worden, B. (1984). Toleration and the Cromwellian Protectorate. In W. Sheils (Ed.), Persecution and Toleration: Studies in Church History (vol. 21, pp. 199-233). Oxford: 270-STU.

Worden, B. (1985a). Oliver Cromwell and the sin of Achan. In D. Beales, & G. Best (Ed.), History, Society and the Churches (Cambridge: 261.1094-HIS.

Worden, B. (1985a). Providence and politics in Cromwellian England. Past and Present, 109, 55-99.

Young, M. B. (1999), King James VI and I and the History of Homosexuality

Yule, G. (1982). Puritans in Politics.


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