Global analyses of viceregal administration in 17th-c. Peru are rare. This monograph is based on the correspondence of Luis Enríquez de Guzmán, Count of Alba de Liste. Therefore, the perspective is that of an individual, writing for official purposes and whose point of observation is the viceregal capital, Lima, or its port, Callao. But through these apparent limitations we can learn of the fundamental preoccupations of viceregal governnment and, above all, the origins of the administrative tensions which were to bring decisive change in the following century. We see a viceroy fastidiously concerned with the public image of his authority, but hindered by a powerful local elite, the vast geographical extent of his jurisdiction, the growing precariousness of commercial and adiminstrative links with Spain even though they were not challenged by foreign intruders in the South Sea, and a rekindling of the debate over the spiritual and physical plight of the indigenous population.


Preface: definition of Peru, divergences between royal legislation, and desires and aspirations of a local elite and crown officials, main themes of his administration (precariousness of commercial and administrative links with Spain, declining remittances of silver to Spain, lively controversy concerning the plight of indigenous peoples, limitations on the extension of viceregal control to far-flung and rebellious corners of his administration, e.g. Chile and the Calchaquí valley, manifestations of local traditions and practices upheld and stauchly defended by those born in Peru or of long residence there, defence of his personal position and prerogatives).

Chapter 1: The Man and Peru: his arrival from New Spain and his reception, the earthquake of 1655 , Ricardo Palma's portrayal of his administration ("six years of tears, mourning and public anguish"), examples of public spectacles, events and festivities in Lima, themes and patterns of his administration (rebellious frontiers, Padilla on the nature, rights and obligations of indigenous peoples, and their spiritual welfare, alternatives to maritime communications

Chapter 2: Management of Crown Revenue: the state of the economy and mining, Potosí and Huancavelica, irregularities of coinage, fraud, standardization, proposals for the royal mint in Lima, other sources of revenue - oficios vendibles y renunciables, donativos

Chapter 3: The Silver Trade: its importance and Alba's support of merchants, salvage of the capitana wrecked in 1654, management of the 1655 convoy, general problems relating to logistics and timing of shipments to Panama (1656-59), complaints by merchants (over confiscations of silver, averías, administration by royal officials in Panama), unregistered silver - problems and statistics for 1654, enhanced vigilance, recommendations of Crown rewards for merchants, the convoy of 1660, the Unión de Armas, statistics on levels of remittances to Spain

Chapter 4: Indian Matters: Juan de Padilla's report on Indians - "Trabajos, agravios e injusticias que padecen los indios del Perú", report of abuses by protector fiscal Valenzuela, reform proposals of Alba and opposition in Potosí, repartimientos, indios de faltriquera, payment of tribute and ecclesiastical dues, child labour in textile workshops, seizure of communal lands, spiritual welfare - idolatry, criticism of the clergy's lack of enthusiasm for education and evangelization, inadequate supervision of parishes, Pedro Bohórquez and the revolt of the calchaquíes

Chapter 5: War in Chile and the Defence of Peru: Chile - the uprising of 1655, the expedition of Porter Casanate, causes of the unrest and uprising - slavery, characteristics of military campaigns in Chile, inexperience, indiscipline and exploitation of troops by their officerss, Alba's responses in support of troops. Defence of the viceroyalty - state of the Armada del Mar del Sur, maintenance costs, construction of new galleons (debates on optimum dimensions, costs, their roles, defects), state of defence in Callao (its galleys, the complement of the presidio, the condition of Callao's surrounding wall and its repair, weapons), overall defence costs

Chapter 6: Church and University: church - conflicts with the archbishop (over appointments to benefices, deficiencies of appointees, an undeserved case of sanctuary - the case of Sebastián Corral, the archbishop's opposition to the hospice of San Francisco de Paula, matters of precedence and etiquette in public ceremonies, disputes with the Inquisition and Santa Cruzada over limits of authority; San Marcos University - church influence over administration, bribes to secure election to chairs, the hours and rewards of cátedras, irregular conduct of examinations, graduates of little learning and competence

Chapter 7: Supervision of Personnel: critical assessment of many individual members of the Audiencia de Lima "so over-burdened with dependants and relatives, their own marriages and those of their children and relations that often it is not possible for them to fulfil their duty", and of the Tribunal de Cuentas due to ill-heath and age; intrigue and scandal (the Mogorgon critical of Alba and his family), drawbacks of holders of purchased posts, praise of other named officials

Conclusion: overall assessment of Alba's government - a strong, determined personality, fourteen critical charges in his residencia, the extent of his authority, his performance (on Indian labour, silver shipments, coinage), his public image and authority, the power of precedent, the economy - declining mining production, less frequent shipments of silver to Spain, links between Crown officials and the local elite (e.g. leading to financial gain), criollo commercial interests and concerns as opposed to royal preferences, declining Crown control in the face of the assertiveness of criollos


Glossary of Spanish Terms

Sources: Manuscripts - especially Archivo General de Indias, Lima, legajos 57-61 (471 items), British Library, Additional Manuscript, 13996, 'Cartas del Conde de Alva', 582 folios, and Additional Manuscript, 13964, fols 30-43, 'Relazon por mayor de algunas materias tocantes a las Provincias del Piru,' 1658?, and Printed works.

[published by the Institute of Latin American Sudies, University of Liverpool, Monograph Series, no. 15, 1992, ISBN 0902806211]