18 Output network

A network may be output using the -output-network task. The network may be output in one of three different formats. The -output-network-igraph-file-prefix option can also be used to output igraph files, see section 21 for more details.

The output network task can also be used to output node data using the -output-network-node-data-file-prefix option and optionally the -output-network-node-data-bed-file option.

18.1 Options

The options are as follows:

Option Description Default
-output-network do a task to output a network to file
-output-network-name name label the task with a name Task-n
-output-network-network-name network output this network previous network (or the default model given by a node for each data variable and no edges if there is no previous network)
-output-network-file network.dat output the network in a format where the nodes and then the edges are listed
-output-network-file2 network2.dat output the network in this style of format: [a][b|a][c|a:b]
-output-network-equivalent-networks-file equiv-networks.dat output a list of equivalent networks to file equiv-networks.dat
-output-network-igraph-file-prefix mygraph output igraph format files consisting of mygraph-nodes.dat, mygraph-edges.dat and R code mygraph-plot.R
-output-network-node-data-file-prefix mydata output network discrete data to mydata-discrete.dat and continuous data to mydata-cts.dat
-output-network-node-data-bed-file output SNP data to files mydata.bed, mydata.bim and mydata.fam and not to files mydata-discrete.dat and mydata-cts.dat
-output-network-node-data-start-indiv a start output of data from individual a 1
-output-network-node-data-end-indiv b stop output of data at individual b last individual
-output-network-node-data-job i t only output individuals for subset i from a total of t subsets

18.2 Example

The following is an example parameter file to output a network.

#input continuous data
-input-data-file example-cts.dat

#input discrete data
-input-data-file example-discrete.dat

#input SNP data as discrete data
-input-data-file example.bed

#search network models

#output the fitted network
-output-network-file fittedNetwork.dat

This parameter file, paras-output-network.txt, can be found in example.zip and can be used as follows:

./bayesnetty paras-output-network.txt

Which should produce output that looks like something as follows:

BayesNetty: Bayesian Network software, v1.00
Copyright 2015-present Richard Howey, GNU General Public License, v3
Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University

Random seed: 1551716789
Task name: Task-1
Loading data
Continuous data file: example-cts.dat
Number of ID columns: 2
Including (all) 2 variables in analysis
Each variable has 1500 data entries
Missing value: not set
Task name: Task-2
Loading data
Discrete data file: example-discrete.dat
Number of ID columns: 2
Including the 1 and only variable in analysis
Each variable has 1500 data entries
Missing value: NA
Task name: Task-3
Loading data
SNP binary data file: example.bed
SNP data treated as discrete data
Total number of SNPs: 2
Total number of subjects: 1500
Number of ID columns: 2
Including (all) 2 variables in analysis
Each variable has 1500 data entries
Task name: Task-4
Searching network models
Loading defaultNetwork network
Network type: bnlearn
Network score type: BIC
Total number of nodes: 5 (Discrete: 3 | Factor: 0 | Continuous: 2)
Total number of edges: 0
Network Structure: [express][pheno][mood][rs1][rs2]
Total data at each node: 1495
Missing data at each node: 5
Network: defaultNetwork
Search: Greedy
Random restarts: 0
Random jitter restarts: 0
Network Structure: [mood][rs1][rs2][express|rs1:rs2][pheno|express:mood]
Network score type: BIC
Network score = -8213.45
Task name: Task-5
Outputting network
Network: defaultNetwork
Network Structure: [mood][rs1][rs2][express|rs1:rs2][pheno|express:mood]
Network output to file: fittedNetwork.dat

Run time: less than one second

The data is loaded, a search is performed and then the network is output to a file.