
Research interests

I am interested in the general areas of astrophysical fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).

My areas of academic expertise are
– Astrophysical & Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
– Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
– Shallow-water MHD (SWMHD) modelling
– Exoplanetary Atmospheres

Background & Current work

I am a fluid dynamicist, by training, with my PhD awarded in the subject of applied mathematics.

I am currently working with Prof. Tami Rogers ( and Dr Paul Bushby (

My current work involves understanding the role of MHD in the atmospheric dynamics of hot Jupiter exoplanets.

Hot Jupiters
Hot Jupiters are near-Jupiter-mass exoplanets found in close-in orbits to their host stars. Due to these properties providing favourable observing conditions, hot Jupiters are the most well understood type of exoplanet and are objects of significant observational interest.

Hot Jupiter atmospheres — Extreme day-night temperature differences
Hot Jupiters have vastly different atmospheres to Jupiter in our own solar system. Their close proximity to their host stars mean that they are subjected to high levels of stellar irradiance. It is also believed to tidally-lock them into synchronous orbits about their host stars, meaning that they have permanent day and night sides. Together, extreme heating and tidal locking mean that hot Jupiters have extreme day-night temperature differentials, ranging between ~200-1000K.

MHD in hot Jupiters
The high temperatures found in hot Jupiter atmospheres allow thermal ionisation of some alkali metals, meaning that their atmospheres are electrically-conducting. This means that the dynamics in hot Jupiter atmospheres interacts with their planetary magnetic field. In my work, I study the mechanics of these interactions and attempt to relate the fundamental fluid dynamics to observations of hot Jupiter atmospheres. The interaction of flows with magnetic field in hot Jupiter atmospheres is thought to cause
– Strong atmospheric toroidal magnetic fields
– Observable fluctations in wind speed and direction, caused by the planets’ strong atmospheric toroidal fields
– A self-sustaining natural dynamo in the radiative atmosphere, driven by conductivity gradients