We offer various brightfield and fluorescence microscopes for immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence as well as live cell imaging capabilities. The systems range from manual brightfield microscopes equipped with colour cameras through to fully automated confocal and lightsheet microscopes. At the main medical school campus of the University, I also run and maintain a multiphoton-enabled confocal microscope.
For post image acquisition analysis and processing, we generally use Huygens deconvolution software (from SVI) and ImageJ or the pre-bundled version Fiji, which comes with bioformats reader for all microscope image formats installed as standard. I also create small macros for file conversions and image analysis in ImageJ/Fiji, which are available here. As part of the system monitoring and Quality Control in Bioimaging, I created simple, cost effective dual temperature readouts for our live cell systems (e.g. the multiphoton system). If you wanted to build these yourself, the instructions and parts required are here.
Previous Positions
I previously worked for Professor Thomas von Zglinicki as a cell biologist/ microscopist, investigating the signalling pathways involved in induction and maintenance of the senescent phenotype in mammalian cells. Senescence is the irreversible cell cycle arrest which cells undergo as a consequence of irreparable DNA damage, such as shortened telomeres. A lot of my work in this lab focussed upon creating and utilising a reporter system for following the lifespan of sites of DNA damage in living cells using fluorescent reporter genes and imaging using time-lapse confocal microscopy.This, and previous post-doctoral work in Liverpool mean I am highly experienced at creating and utilising live cell signalling reporters using fluorescent proteins, and their application using confocal microscopy.
Publications and Membership
These are listed on my ResearcherID page, Google Scholar, or on my ORCiD account.I am a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society, who are dedicated to furthering the science of microscopy.
Dr. Glyn Nelson
Bioimaging Unit
Ageing Research Laboratories
Newcastle University
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tel: +44 (0)191 208 1106
Fax: +44 (0)191 208 1101