ATNU is Alive!

ATNU: Animating Text Newcastle University

The initial project website for ATNU has been created by Tiago Sousa Garcia, the project’s postdoc. It is available at for those interested in the project and/or scholarly digital editing.

ATNU is a Newcastle University research project that crosses multiple departments within the University and engages in partnerships beyond that. ATNU is looking at scholarly digital editing, and exploring how digital technology can complement print editions, and how the digital enables different ways of understanding, explaining, and experience text. It will be testing a variety of software through a series of pilot projects.




After working at the University of Oxford for the last 14 years, I’ve now moved here to take up a post as “Senior Lecturer in English Literature (c. 1350-1510) and Digital Humanities”. As such, I’ve set up this new site to host posts and pages.  I’ll intend to post things very regularly but will likely actually do so very irregularly!  However, I might as well get it set up in advance.  An additional blog with my Oxford (and other) posts was moved to before I left.  It is mostly concentrating on XML and XSLT matters

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Interesting. NCL seems to have two wordpress multi-site places I can have for a web presence in addition to the staff profile in my school.  (And various project sites of course…) There is this place and I’d already set up a blog at  I wonder what the difference in hosting (one seems to have 7 themes installed, the other 9?) or perception is? I’ll probably end up using since well that has a more official looking URL for things which are _not_ just blog posts.  Time will tell.
