
The Research and Education of Allergic Disease in Children – Faculty for Allergy Research (REACH – FAR) programme supports research on allergic disease in childhood within three Institutes of the Faculty of Medicine Sciences, Newcastle University and the Clinical Research Facility, Great North Children’s Hospital.
(I) The Population Health Sciences Institute Programme (PHSI) focuses on improving the health, care and well-being of children with allergic disease in the region across clinical specialities and level of primary, secondary and tertiary care . Current research includes ‘The Model of Seamless Allergy Care’ launched in 2017. It harbours a collaboration of clinical and allied health partners of the paediatric allergy department at the Great North Children’s Hospital in the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and General Practitioners of Benfield Park Medical Group, Benfield Newcastle upon Tyne. Together we aim to improve the delivery of care for children with allergy.
(II) The Clinical and Translational Research Institute Programme (CTRI) is a collaboration between the clinicians, academics and scientists with a goal to increase awareness and understanding of childhood allergic inflammatory diseases. To translate clinical and laboratory findings into the development of new diagnostic platforms and novel treatments to improved delivery of care for children and young people with allergic disease.  Current projects are diverse with basic science initiatives working in collaboration with national epidemiological and interventional studies.
(III) The Biosciences Institute Programme (BI) unites scientists, biologists, chemists, physicists, researchers, immunologists, allergists, and dietitians together to understand the immune mechanisms and signalling pathways of Th2 allergic inflammation and the role of the microbiome, fungome and virome.
(IV) The Clinic Research Facility team support the participation of a variety of national and international commercial and non commercial phase I/II/III clinical trials in partnership with the Great North Children’s Hospital and Newcastle University.