The importance of staying together; a cellular perspective
If you would like to join us please contact me at:
Please note that the deadline for applications is Monday, May 18.
For more information please see:
If you would like to join us please contact me at:
Please note that the deadline for applications is Monday, May 18.
For more information please see:
We are looking for a post-doc and a part-time technician to join our research team on cell polarity at the University of Newcastle (see attached flyer for more details).
If you are interested please contact me at
Thank you to Sandra Iden and Peter Cullen for putting together such a lovely meeting.
If you would like to join us please contact me at:
Deadline: 11 January 2019
4 year studentship to commence in October 2019
Deadline: 21 January 2019
Start date: 1 October 2019
if you would like to join us please contact me at:
Starting date flexible
Big thank you to all the organisers!
Ulrich Tepass & Jeremy F. Nance
EMBO Workshop. C. elegans development, cell biology and gene expression
Sander van den Heuvel, Sophie Jarriault & Alex Hajnal
Jack really enjoyed presenting his poster on: “Revisiting how microtubules induce cell polarity in the C.elegans zygote” WELL DONE!
FSER meeting in Les Treilles on Cell Polarity and Morphogenesis
André Le Bivic & Daniel St Johnston
Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, Netta Cohen, Ron Chen & Ian Hope
Alicia did a great job presenting her poster on: “Crosstalk between PAR proteins and the actomyosin cytoskeleton in zygote polarity”
Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences Away Day
Alicia won a poster prize! WELL DONE!!
Morphogenetic degeneracies in the actomyosin cortex
Abstract. One of the great challenges in biology is to understand the mechanism by which morphogenetic processes arise from molecular activities. We investigated this problem in the context of actomyosin-based cortical flow in C. elegans zygotes, where large-scale flows emerge from the collective action of actomyosin filaments and actin binding proteins (ABPs). Large-scale flow dynamics can be captured by active gel theory by considering force balances and conservation laws in the actomyosin cortex. However, which molecular activities contribute to flow dynamics and large-scale physical properties such as viscosity and active torque is largely unknown. By performing a candidate RNAi screen of ABPs and actomyosin regulators we demonstrate that perturbing distinct molecular processes can lead to similar flow phenotypes. This is indicative for a ’morphogenetic degeneracy’ where multiple molecular processes contribute to the same large-scale physical property. We speculate that morphogenetic degeneracies contribute to the robustness of bulk biological matter in development.