Knowledge Exchange & Impact Activities
External Professional Roles
- 2008-present: Member of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
- 2010-present: Member of The Society for Underwater Technology,
- 2012-present: Fellow of The Higher Education Academy [FHEA],
- 2014-present: Grant Reviewer for The Research Council of Norway,
- 2016-present: Member of The UK Carbon Capture & Storage Research Centre,
- 2016-19: Co-Lead in ‘Marine Hydrodynamics’ SIG, EPSRC ‘UK Fluids Network’,
- 2018-19: Associate Editor of Journal of Ocean & Climate, SAGE,
- 2016-19: External Examiner for ‘Offshore & Ocean Technology’ MSc Programme at Cranfield University,
- 2017-present: Member of The European Mechanics Society EUROMECH,
- 2017-present: Member of EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network,
- 2018-present: Full Membership of EPSRC Peer Review College,
- 2019-present: Reviewer of Discovery Grant for Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
- 2019-present: Editorial Board Member of Journal of Vibration, MDPI,
- 2019-24: External Examiner for MSc in Subsea Engineering course at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen,
- 2020: Guest Editor for ‘Flow-induced Vibration Control & Energy Harvesting’, Shock & Vibration.
- 2021-present: Editorial Board Member for ‘Energy Systems’ of J of Processes, MDPI.
- 2021-present: Member of ITTC Technical Committee in Ocean Engineering.
- 2021: Guest Editor for ‘Flow-induced Vibration of Bluff Bodies’, Applied Ocean Research.
- 2021: Guest Editor for ‘Offshore Energy Transition Towards Carbon Neutrality’, Energies.
- 2021: Guest Editor for ‘Fluid-Structure Interaction Due to External/Internal Flow’, Processes.
- 2021-present: Topic Board Member for ‘Energy Systems’ of J of Processes, MDPI.
- 2021-present: Member of ITTC Technical Committee in Ocean Engineering.
- 2022-26: External Examiner for three MSc courses in Subsea Engineering, Decommissioning, and Offshore Engineering at the University of Aberdeen.
- Reviewer: >30 Journals (Elsevier, Springer, Cambridge, ASME, ASCE, SAGE, Taylor & Francis, World Scientific).
Session Chairman/Co-Chairman
- 2023: The 42nd Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Melbourne,
- 2022: The 41st Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Hamburg,
- 2021: The 40th Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Virtual,
- 2020: The 39th Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Virtual,
- 2018: The 37th Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Madrid,
- 2015: The 34th Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, St. John’s,
- 2014: The International Conference on Maritime Technology, Glasgow,
- 2014: The 5th UK Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference, Newcastle,
- 2014: The 33rd Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, San Fran,
- 2012: The 11th International Marine Design Conference, Glasgow,
- 2012: The 3rd UK Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference, Glasgow,
- 2011: The 2nd UK Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference, Southampton,
- 2009: The 19th International Offshore (Ocean) & Polar Engineering, Osaka,
- 2008: The 8th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Bangkok
Past & Recent Events
- (2023/03) Selected by N8 Research Partnership to take part in a Workshop aiming to shape future support for mid-career researchers in Leeds.
- (2023/03) Invited to participate and give a talk in the NERC-funded workshop on ‘Fluid-Structure Interaction in Aquatic Plants’, Loughborough University.
- (2022/09) Meeting with engineers from Saudi Aramco on potential collaboration.
- (2021-22) Supervise two industry-supported MSc theses on ‘Offshore Monopiles Supporting Wind Turbines for SOFIA wind farm, in collaboration with RWE & STEM UK.
- (2022/07) Presentation on ‘Multidirectional Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Elastic/Flexible Structures’ at the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Galway.
- (2022/05) Host visitors from Chulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand through the Thai-UK World Class Consortium program funded by the British Council.
- (2022/04) Participation in the UKCCSRC Spring conference hosted by U Sheffield.
- (2020/12) Chair in the EPSRC ‘Recent Advances in MultiphasE flow-induced vibratioN (RAMEN) Workshop, part of MUFFINS project’s dissemination, Online.
- (2020/12) Invited talk ‘Multi-Directional VIV of Flexible Structures‘, at Tianjin U.
- (2019/08) Participate in the UK Fluids Conference 2019 at U of Cambridge.
- (2019/07) Host and organize FIV seminar for a visitor from U of Edinburgh.
- (2019/07) Host a 3-month Visiting Professor from Southwest Petroleum U.
- (2019/06) Give a talk at Department of Civil Engineering, U of Birmingham.
- (2019/06) Host a Visiting Professor from Tianjin University.
- (2019/04) Invited talk ‘Multiphase FIV in Subsea Applications: Challenges & Recent Progress‘ at 4 Universities in China [a-d, as below].
- (2019/04) Visit Dep of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University [a].
- (2019/04) Visit School of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu [b].
- (2019/04) Visit School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University [c].
- (2019/04) Visit School of Mechanical Engineering, Fuzhou University [d].
- (2019/04) Guest Editor of Vortex-Induced Vibration in J of Vibration, MDPI.
- (2018/11) Invited Referee for ‘Fluid-Structure Interaction‘ theme in the 10th International Conference in Multiphase Flow, Rio, 2019
- (2018/11) Talk on Liquid-Gas Flow-Induced Vibration in Flexible Pipe in 71st APS Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, USA
- (2018/08) Promoted to a full member of EPSRC College of Peer Reviewers.
- (2018/06) Chair of CFD & FSI session ‘VIV Modeling & Prediction‘, OMAE2018 Conference, Madrid
- (2018/05) Participation in the industrial Special Interest Group meeting in ‘Multiphase Flow-Induced Vibration’, TNO, Delft
- (2018/04) Examiner for PhD thesis & viva, Dep. of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim
- (2017/11) Participation in the UK Fluid Network’s ‘Marine Hydrodynamics‘ meeting, University of Edinburgh
- (2017/09) Participation in a multiphase flow research (MEMPHIS) Showcase Event, Imperial College London
- (2017/09) Participation in Offshore Europe Conference & Exhibition, Aberdeen
- (2017/05) Examiner for a thesis/viva of DProf (Professional Doctorate) degree, University of Sunderland
- (2017/04) Visit Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi, via Newton Fund
- (2017/03) Visit Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, via Newton Fund
- (2017/02) Selected participant in the EPSRC ‘Systems Engineering Workshop‘, Polaris House, Swindon
- (2016/08) Host a visiting researcher from Sch. Naval Arch., Ocean & Civil Eng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- (2016/07) Examiner for a PhD thesis/viva, Fluid-Structure Interaction Group, University of Southampton
- (2016/04) Presentation at the ‘Transient Multiphase Flows‘ (TMF) meeting, Imperial College London
- (2015/10) Talk on ‘Phenomenological Modelling of Fluid-Structure Interactions‘, Newcastle University
- (2015/08) Talk on “How to Become a Great Researcher” in NAOME seminar, University of Strathclyde
- (2015/07) “VIV: Modelling, Prediction & Experiment“, invited talk at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- (2015/05) Completion of Offshore Arctic Pipeline Engineering course, ASME, St. John’s, Canada
- (2015/04) Completion of Technology of Offshore Wind Energy course, Delft University of Technology
- (2015/04) Deliver a CPD-type Oil & Gas Training course in “Pipelines, Risers & Moorings“, University of Strathclyde
- (2014/12) Visit Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
- (2014/09) Visit Department of Marine Systems Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
- (2014/07) Visit Fluid Dynamics Research Group, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- (2014/07) Visit School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas, Brazil
- (2014/05) Visit VIV Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
- (2014/04) Visit Centre for Offshore Research & Engineering (CORE), National University of Singapore
- (2014/04) Visit School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
- (2014/03) Presentation in The Royal Society UK-India Scientific Seminar, University of Edinburgh
- (2014/02) Talk on ‘Supervision Management’ in 3rd Academic Seminar, University of Strathclyde
- (2013/09) Industrial Placement at Maersk Oil North Sea UK Limited via IFS Awards
- (2013/07) “VIV of flexible structures”, a talk given at University of Bristol, Dep of Civil Engineering
- (2013/04) “VIV – Renewable Energy?”, a talk given at University of Edinburgh
- (2012/12) “VIV: where are we & what next ?”, a talk given at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- (2012/12) “Offshore structural vibration & fluid-structure interaction”, a lecture given at KMUTT, Bangkok
- (2012/06) Scottish Crucible Workshop 3 at University of Dundee
- (2012/05) Scottish Crucible Workshop 2 at Glasgow Caledonian University
- (2012/04) Scottish Crucible Workshop 1 at Royal Society of Edinburgh & Scottish Parliament
- (2012/04) Visit Gamesa at Strathclyde Business Park, Glasgow
- (2011/09) Experimental research visit at Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, University of São Paulo
- (2011/09) Observer in The 26th International Towing Tank Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- (2011/08) “Predicting offshore VIV”, a talk at University of São Paulo, Brazil
- (2011/05) “University R & D Showcase”, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA
- (2010/02) Participation in the “Oil & Gas Mission” with the Scottish Development International, Mexico