This page contains bibliographic details about, and in some cases links to, published articles, chapters and books. For links to unpublished articles (talks, pamphlets, letters etc), and for abstracts and descriptions of published articles, choose 'Writing' from the top menu and select the topic from the menu that appears in the sidebar. For links to just my books, see my author pages on Amazon or Facebook.


- "Why Are Border Scholars Obsessed with Walls? A Critical Reconnaissance of Border Reopenings." In Handbook of Border Walls (Tbc), edited by Elisabeth Vallet, Edward Elgar.


- "Is the Ukraine War a Territorial Dispute? Geographical Contributions to Understanding and Resolving the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict." Geopolitica (s): Revista de Estudios Sobre Espacio y Poder 15, no. 1 (2024).


- Taking account of authoritarian peacebuilding in Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia Central Asian Survey 42 (4): 732-734.

- 'Workers as human beings: recognising the imago Dei in the neoliberal workplace.' Black Theology.

-Making Sense of the Ukraine War: Geographers Should Not Be Afraid of Geography . Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.

-Oppenheimer and the Untold Story of the Destruction of the Japanese Church. Premier Christianity.

-'Ofsted's problems are theological: here's how to fix them'. Premier Christianity.

-'Don't expand NATO, abolish it'. U.S.News, April 2023.

-'The Church at war.' In: Premier Christianity, February 2023 (online and print editions)


- 'Responding to a "permacrisis'." Baptist Times, 21st December 2022.

- 'Contribuciones geograficas para comprender y resolver el conflicto ruso-ucraniano.'Geopolitica(s) 13 (2): 285-309.

- "Celebrating This Christmas Really Beats Splooting." The Journal, 20-12-2022 2022, J2, p19.

-(with Alexander Diener) "Central Asia as place." In: Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding, edited by David Montgomery. University of Pittsburgh Press, 36-51.

- 'Ukraine war: this map holds an important clue about Kremlin fears of Nato expansion'. The Conversation.

- 'NATO expansion is the problem that it claims to be solving' Peace News, August.

- Big Questions In An Age of Global Crises. Oregon: Wipf & Stock.

- '"Russian Troops Out! No to NATO expansion!" Apacific geopolitics for a new Europe' Political Geography.

- (with Olivia Mason). "Geography as a Vocation? Becoming a Geographer under Neoliberalism." Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography.

- 'Being "human" under regimes of Human Resource Management: Using black theology to Illuminate humanisation and dehumanisation in the workplace. African Journal of Business Ethics 15 (1): 1-24.

- (with Shavkat Rakhmattullaev) 'Authoritarianism, ethnic management and non-securitisation: The Kyrgyz minority & "peoples' friendship" in Uzbekistan.' Europe-Asia Studies.


- (with Olivia Mason) Mason. Precarity and dehumanisation in higher education. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.14 (1): 36-59.

- (with Megan Hunt, Brian Ward, and Benjamin Houston). "He was shot because America will not give up on racism": Martin Luther King, Jr. and the African American civil rights movement in British schools. Journal of American Studies 55 (2):387-417.

- (with Sara Koopman, Simon Dalby, Jo Sharp, Gerry Kearns, Rachael Squire, Alex Jeffrey, Vicki Squire, and Gerard Toal). Critical Geopolitics/critical geopolitics 25 years on. Political Geography.

- 'The 2010 June events and the Kyrgyz of Uzbekistan.' Annals of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic 1:99-112.[in Kyrgyz]

- 'Borders on steroids: Open borders in a Covid-19 world?' Political Geography.

- 'End the silence about the Uyghurs.' Church Times 8269 (10th September 2021):15.

- 'Meet the Christian investigator "equipped by God" to expose China's Uyghur genocide.' Premier Christianity:August 25th.


- with Olivia Mason. 2020. Second class academic citizens: The dehumanising effects of casualisation in higher education. Report endorsed by University and College Union.

- (with Will Hughes and Matt Benwell). 'The emotional geopolitics of contested peace: the austerity crisis and the Danish minority of South Schleswig.' Territory, Politics, Governance.

- (with Aksana Ismailbekova). 'Peace in the family is the basis of peace in the country: How women contribute to local peace in southern Kyrgyzstan.' Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 14 (4):483-500.

- 'From "The Schleswig-Holstein Question" to "The Ferghana Valley Question": Minority Education and Conflict Resolution.' In: The Conflict in South Kyrgyzstan Ten Years on: Perspectives, Consequences, Actions edited by A. Ismailbekova and P. Lottholtz. Washington DC: The Central Asia Programme, George Washington University.

- '"Go anywhere I damn well please"? Towards an anarchist vocational ethics of international borders.' In: A Research Agenda for Border Studies, edited by J. Scott. London: Edward Elgar: 183-200.


- (as part of the The Analogue University writing collective). 'Correlation in the data university: understanding and challenging targets-based performance-management in higher education.' ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 18 (6):1184-1206.

- We're individuals and every single one of us matters. The Newcastle Journal, 17th December 2019:23.

- (with Olivia Mason) Are we really honouring the legacy of Frederick Douglass? The Journal (13th November 2019).

- It's disgraceful that nuclear weapons are being celebrated at Westminster Abbey . The Guardian 02/05/2019.

- Human Resources? Recognising the Personhood of Workers in the Charity and Public Sectors. Report published by the Newcastle University Institute for Social Science and the William Leech Research Fund.

- Towards a critical Central Asian Studies. Central Asian Affairs, 6(1), 81-87. Part of a review forum with Kerstin Klenke,Asel Myrzabekova, and Alexander Diener.

- (with The Analogue University), Calling all journal editors: Bury the metrics pages!, Political Geography 68 (1): A3-A5.


- (with David Lewis and John Heathershaw) "Illiberal Peace? Authoritarian Modes of Conflict Management." Cooperation & Conflict: 1-21.

- "Geography, interdisciplinarity and area studies: reasserting the value of the regional in a violent world," in (With Shona Loong, James Sidaway, Chih Yuan Woon et al) Review forum: Reading Nick Megoran's Nationalism in Central Asia, Political Geography

- 2018. 'Framing Andijon, narrating the nation: Islam Karimov’s account of the events of 13 May 2005.' In: Critical Approaches to Security in Central Asia, edited by E. Lemon. London: Routledge.

-(with Cat Owen, John Heathershaw, David Lewis, and Shairbek Juraev, eds.) Interrogating Illiberal Peace in Eurasia: Critical Perspectives on Peace and Conflict London: Rowman and Littlefield

- (with Alisher Khamidov and John Heathersahw) 'Bottom-up peacekeeping in Southern Kyrgyzstan.' In: Interrogating Illiberal Peace in Eurasia: Critical Perspectives on Peace and Conflict C. Owen, S. Juraev, D. Lewis, N. Megoran and J. Heathershaw, London: Rowman and Littlefield: 223-247.

- (with Simon Dalby) 'Geopolitics And Peace: A Century of Change in the Discipline of Geography' Geopolitics, 23 (2): 251-276.


- 'The magic of territory: remaking of border landscapes as a spatial manifestation of nationalist ideology.' In: Constructing the Uzbek State: Narratives of Post-Soviet Years. Edited by Marlene Laruelle. London, Lexington Books: 21-44.

- Happy Christmas 2017? Baptist Times, December.

- Nationalism in Central Asia: A biography of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Boundary. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press.

- Warlike Christians in an Age of Violence Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.

-(ed) Martin Luther King in the UK: A Resource Pack for Teachers in Key Stages 2,3 & 4. Newcastle: Martin Luther King Peace Committee.

- (with Hartmut Behr and Jane Carnaffan) "Peace education, militarism and neo-liberalism: conceptual reflections with empirical findings from the UK." Journal of Peace Education.

- Warlike Christians in an age of violence - a reflection.

-(with Alisher Khamidov and John Heathershaw) "Bottom-up peacekeeping in Southern Kyrgyzstan: How local actors managed to prevent the spread of violence from Osh/Jalal-Abad to Aravan, June 2010." Nationalities Papers 45 (6): 1118-1134.

-(with Russell Foster and Michael Dunn) "Towards a geopolitics of atheism: critical geopolitics post the 'War on Terror'." Political Geography 60:179-189

-(With Liz Morrish and the Analogue University) "Academic Identities in the Managed University: Neoliberalism and Resistance." Australian Universities Review. 59 (2): 23-35.

-(with Matthew Scott) "The Newcastle Upon Tyne Peace Society, 1817-50." Northern History.

-(with The Analogue University) "Control, resistance and the 'Data University': towards a third wave critique." The Antipode Foundation.


(with Fiona McConnell and Philippa Williams) "Geography and peace." In The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional Approaches to Peace, edited by Oliver Richmond, Sandra Pogodda and Jasmin Ramovic, 123-138. Basingstoke: Palgrave.


- 'Evangelical Geopolitics: Practices of Worship, Justice and Peacemaking.' In The Changing World Religion Map, edited by S. Brunn: Springer.


- 'Remember the Christmas 1914 truces: a brief moment of sanity amidst industrialised slaughter' No Glory in War 16/12/2014.

- (with Andii Bowsher) 'The day the war stood still', Church Times 19/26 December 2014, Vol no7918/19: pp. 28-9.

- 'Celebrate the truces - because World War I must not be an excuse for militarism.' The Conversation 20/10/2014.

- (with Andii Bowsher) 'How should churches mark the First World War?' Baptist Times 14/10/2014.

- (with Elmira Satybaldieva, David Lewis, and John Heathershaw) Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Projects in Southern Kyrgyzstan. SIPRI/OSF.

- (with McConnell, F. and Williams, P., eds.) Geographies of Peace. London: I.B. Tauris.

-'Migration and peace: the transnational activities of Bukharan Jews', in McConnell, F., Megoran, N. and Williams, P. (eds.) Geographies of Peace. London: I.B. Tauris: 212-228.

- (with Elmira Satybaldieva, David Lewis, and John Heathershaw) Evaluating Peacebuilding Interventions in Kyrgyzstan: SIPRI/OSF.

- 'On (Christian) anarchism and (non)violence: a response to Simon Springer' Space and Polity 18 (1): 97-105..

- 'Stranger danger or angel stranger?' An article for Baptist Times, February 2014.


- (with Sharapova, S., eds.) Central Asia in International Relations: The Legacies of Halford Mackinder . London: Hurst and Co.

- (with Alison Williams, Alex Jeffrey, Fiona McConnell, Kye Askins, Nick Gill, Catherine Nash, Raksha Pande) 'Interventions in teaching political geography: Reflections on practice', Political Geography, 34(1), pp. 24-34.

- 'Shared space, divided space: narrating ethnic histories of Osh', Environment and Planning A 45 (4): 892-907.

- 'Violence and peace', in Dodds, K., Kuus, M. and Sharp, J. (eds.) The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 189-207.

- 'Radical politics and the Apocalypse: activist readings of Revelation,' Area, pp. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4762.2012.01125.x.


- (with Raksha Pande, Alex Jeffrey, and Richard Young) 'Connecting lectures to current affairs: the 'letters to newspapers' assignment', Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

- (with Jenkings, N. Woodward, R. and Bos, D.), 'Wootton Bassett and the political spaces of remembrance and mourning', Area, 44(3), pp. 356-363.

- 'Rethinking the study of international boundaries: a biography of the Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan boundary.' Annals of the Association of American Gepgraphers 102(2), pp. 464-481.

- Averting Violence in Kyrgyzstan: Understanding and Responding to Nationalism.' London: Chatham House.

- ''B/ordering' and biopolitics between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan' In: The Blackwell Companion to Border Studies, edited by T. Wilson and H. Donnan. Oxford: Blackwell. pp.473-491


- (with John Heathershaw) Danger and security in Central Asia. Central Asia and the Caucasus. 12(3): 7-18. Also available in Russian as Tsentral'naia Aziia: Bezopasnost' i Opasnosti in Tsentral'naia Aziia i Kavkaz 14 (3): 7-21

- War and peace? An agenda for peace research and practice in geography. Political Geography (30) 4: 178-189.

-(with John Heathershaw) Contesting danger: a new agenda for policy and scholarship on Central Asia. International Affairs 87 (3):589-612.

- Osh: one year on. June Open Democracy. Available as 'Osh's greatest blessing, and its greatest curse, is its geography' on the BBC World Service's Central Asian section in Kyrgyz and Uzbek.

- (with John Heathershaw) Central Asia: The Discourse of danger . June Open Democracy.


- The background to Osh: stories of conflict and coexistence . October, Open Democracy.

- Neoclassical geopolitics. Political Geography. 29 (4):187-189.

- (with Anara Karagulova) Discourses of danger and the 'war on terror': Gothic Kyrgyzstan and the collapse of the Akaev regime. Review of International Studies.

- The Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Boundary: Stalin's Cartography, Post-Soviet Geography. In Borderlines and Borderlands: Political Oddities at the Edge of the Nation State, edited by A. Diener and J. Hagen. London: Rowman and Littlefield.

- 'Towards a geography of peace: pacific geopolitics and evangelical Christian Crusade apologies.' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 35 (3):382-398.


- Colonizing commemoration: sacred space and the War on Terror. In Spaces of Security and Insecurity: Geographies of the War on Terror, edited by A. Ingram and K. Dodds. Aldershot: Ashgate.

- Review of Klaus Dodds ''Geopolitics: a Very Short Introduction', OUP 2007. Area 41 (2):223-225.

- Theocracy. In The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by R. Kitchin and N. Thrift. Oxford: Elsevier.


- The banking crisis: where to put your cash and savings, Baptist Times, 27 November 2008, no. 8254, page 9.

- Does religion cause war? Published on the website of the Council of Faith and International Affairs, November 2008.

- 'Militarism, realism, just war, or nonviolence? Critical geopolitics and the problem of normativity.' Geopolitics. 13 (3):473-497.

- 'From presidential podiums to pop music: discourses of danger in Uzbekistan', in Fear: Critical Geopolitics of Everyday Life, Rachel Pain, Susan J. Smith, Stephen Graham (eds). Aldershot: Ashgate, pp.25-36

- Framing Andijon, narrating the nation: Islam Karimov's account of the events of May 13, 2005. Central Asian Survey 27 (1):15-32.

- 'The task and responsibility of geopolitical analysis.' Geopolitics 13 (2): 402-407.


- 'Central Asia: rethinking border-control assistance' Eurasia Insight 3/12/2007.

- (ed) Author-Critic forum: 'Radical Islam in Central Asia?', Central Asian Survey 26 (1):141-154.

- Review of War on Terror - The Boardgame, New Internationalist No 403, August 2007.

- The War on Terror: How Should Christians Respond? Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press.

- 'On researching 'ethnic conflict': epistemology, politics, and a Central Asian boundary dispute', Europe-Asia Studies Vol. 59 No.2: 252-277.

-'Country report: Tajikistan' New Internationalist, No. 398, March 2007: 38.


'God on our side? The Church of England and the geopolitics of mourning 9/11 Geopolitics 11 (4): 561-579.

-'Mourning 9/11, politically and propheticallyThe Anglican Peacemaker 6 (4):1-2, 5.

-'Losing a war not of our choosing' Church Times, 7490, September 29 2006: 12.

- The bell tolls for another US-based NGO in Uzbekistan, Eurasianet Civil Society, OSI, Washington, 7/06/11. News / analytical article about the closure of the NGO 'CAFE' in Uzbekistan

-'For ethnography in political geography: experiencing and re-imagining Ferghana Valley boundary closures', Political Geography 26 (10): 622-640.
Article about using ethnography to explore boundary closures in the Ferghana Valley

- 'Citizens of heaven': Negotiating contesting citizenships. Published on the site Institute for Global Engagement.

- Science and religion in the academic playground The Courier, 15 May 2006: 13.

-Review of 'Veiled empire: Gender & power in Stalinist Central Asia', by Douglas Northrop, 2004. Europe-Asa Studies 58 (1): 125-126.

-Review of 'Prospects for pastoralism in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan: From state Farms to Private Flocks,' by Kerven C., Geographical Journal 172: 78.


- (with Gael Raballand and Jerome Bouyjou) Performance, representation, and the economics of border control in Uzbekistan Geopolitics 10 (4):712-742.

-(with Sevara Sharapova and Alisher Faizullaev) Conference report: 'Halford Mackinder's 'Heartland' a Help or Hindrance? Tashkent, 23 December 2004' Geographical Journal 171 (2) 177-178.

-'The case for ending migration controls', Antipode 37 (4):638-642.

-(with Sevara Sharapova) (eds), 'On the Centenary of Halford Mackinder's Geographical Pivot of History', special issue of Central Asia and The Caucasus, 4 (34), 2005.

-(with Sevara Sharapova) (redaktori), 'Geograficheskaya os' istorii" Halforda Makindera' [Halford Mackinder's Geographical Axis of the History], Spetsial'nii vipusk jurnala Tsentral'naya Aziya I Kavkaz, 4 (40)

-(with Sevara Sharapova) 'Mackinder's "Heartland": a help or hindrance in understanding Central Asia's international relations?', Central Asia and the Caucasus, 4 (34): 8-20

-(with Sevara Sharapova) 'Pomogaet ili meshaet "Hartlend" Makindera ponyat' Tsentral'nuyu Aziyu?' [Is Mackinder's 'Heartland' a help or hindrance in understanding Central Asia?] Tsentral'naya Aziya I Kavkaz 4 (40): 8-23.

-'The politics of using Mackinder's geopolitics: the example of Uzbekistan', Central Asia and the Caucasus, 4 (34): 89-102

-'Obrashenie k Makinderovoy Geopolitike, Primer Uzbekistana', Tsentral'naya Aziya I Kavkaz 4 (40): 107-124.

-'The critical geopolitics of danger in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan', Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2005, 23 (4): 555 - 580.

-'Preventing conflict by building civil society: post-development theory and a Central Asian-UK policy success story.' Central Asian Survey, 24 (1): 84-96.


- 'Revisiting the 'pivot': the influence of Halford Mackinder on analysis of Uzbekistan's international relations', Geographical Journal, 170 (4):.347-358
-'The critical geopolitics of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Ferghana Valley boundary dispute, 1999-2000', Political Geography, 23 (6): 731-764.

-Christianity and critical political geography: on faith and geopolitical imagination' The Brandywine Review of Faith and International Affairs, 2 (2): 40-46.

-Review of Yuri Bregel's An Historical Atlas of Central Asia. Published in Central Eurasian Studies Review, Volume 3, Number 2, Spring 2004: 33-34.

-'To survive, villagers buck Uzbek border controls.' Published in Eurasianet Business and Economics (Washington: OSI) 25/05/2004.


-'Review essay: two different lectures, two different worlds?', Political Geography 22 789-796.

-(with Marc de Chazal) Pre-emption perforce? A reply to Chris Seiple. Institute for Global Engagement, February 2003. Originally posted on

-review of I see Satan Fall Like Lighting by René Girard, Orbis, 2001. In: Third Way 26 (2): 29-30

-'Henry Martyn: Iraq- lessons in a time of war' Evangelical Times 37 (3), March 2003.

-'Turkmenistan Country Profile', New Internationalist 345 (May 2002).


- 'Let Those Without Sin' CitizenCam, November 2002. (url: accessed December 2002).

- 'What about Hitler? The meaning of Remembrance Sunday in light of the Iraq crisis.' Posted on Christian Cambridge, November 2002. ( accessed December 2002).

-'Kyrgyzstan Country Profile', New Internationalist 345 (May 2002): 36.

-'Biography of Afghan hero provides lessons for current readers' Review of Easwaran, Eknath Nonviolent Soldier of Islam: Badshah Khan, A Man to Match His Mountains (2nd edition). In: Eurasianet Culture (Washington: OSI): 10/05/2002.

-'Demanding Peace: Christian Responses to War and Violence', Harvey, Anthony, 1999 (London: SCM). Review in Christian Socialist 182, Summer 2002:p13 (the journal of the Christian Socialist Movement).


-Conduct of Afghan campaign undermines US argument for open society development in Central Asia'. Published in Eurasia Insight (Washington: OSI), 12/11/2001.

-'The politics of destroying Buddha.' Central Asia Monitor 2001 (2): 26-29

-'Osama bin Laden, the world's first postmodern terrorist' Turkistan Newsletter Volume 5:006 (9th January 2001).


- Calming the Ferghana Valley Experts. A review essay of Lubin, Nancy and Rubin, Barnett Calming the Ferghana Valley: Development and Dialogue in the Heart of Central Asia. Report of the Ferghana Valley Working Group of the Centre for Preventative Action. New York: The Century Foundation Press, 1999. Central Asia Monitor 2000 (5): 20-25.

-'Q&A: Presidential Candidate Melis Eshimkanov Discusses Kyrgyzstan's Political Climate and Central Asian Relations', Eurasia Q&A , (Washington: OSI): 08/11/2000.

-'Scrap Metal on the Silk Road', Eurasianet: Business and Economics (Washington: OSI): 25/04/2002.

-'Remembering Batken: Militarism and Pop Concerts',Eurasia Insight , (Washington: OSI): 21/11/2000.

-'O'sh 3000 tantasining zamonaviy ijtimoiy ahamiyati'. In: Istoriya, Kul'tura I Ekonomika Yuga Kirgizstana, volume 1. (Osh: Osh State University): 125-131.

-'Language And Ethnicity In Kyrgyzstan'. RFE/RL Newsline Vol. 4, No. 108, Part I, 5 June 2000 (Prague: Radio Free Europe/ Radion Liberty).

-(With Antonina Zaharova) 'Osh Ten Years on: Positive Developments in Ethnic Relations', Eurasianet Insight (Washington: OSI): 18/9/2000.

-'Bad Neighbors, Bad Fences'. RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 51, Part I, 13 March 2000 (Prague: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty).

-'Elections and Ethnicity in the South of Kyrgyzstan' ,Eurasia Insight (Washington: OSI): 30/3/2000.

-'Chinggis Aitmatov And The Geopolitics Of Kyrgyzstan', Eurasia Insight , (Washington: OSI): 14/2/2000.

-'The Borders of Eternal Friendship: Kyrgyz-Uzbek Relations in 1999: Part III.' Eurasia Insight , (Washington: OSI): 6/01/2000.


-Rezentsiya - Matalov, F. va Huriddinova, T. Qirg'ziston va O'zbekiston Halqlarining Qadimgi Dunyo Hamda Ilk O'rta Asrlardagi Taraqqiyptiga Oid Qisqacha Entsiklopedik Sharhlar. O'sh: Qirg'iz-O'zbek Universiteti: 1-bet.

-'Theorizing Gender, Ethnicity and the Nation-State in Central Asia', Central Asian Survey 18, no.1 (99-110).

-Review of Castells, Manuel, The Power of Identity (Volume 2) The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Oxford: Blackwell (1997), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 23(2): pp.397-398.

-'The Borders of Eternal Friendship: Kyrgyz-Uzbek Relations in 1999: Part II', Eurasia Insight , (Washington: OSI) 12/1999.

-The Borders of Eternal Friendship: Kyrgyz-Uzbek Relations in 1999: Part I.' Eurasia Insight , (Washington: OSI): 12/1999.


-'Uzbek-Kyrgyz borders in the Ferghana Valley: observations 1996' Labyrinth: Central Asia Quarterly 3, no. 4 (1996): 46.