Dr Christian Hicks - Teaching Page
School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering,
Stephenson Building, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle NE1 7RU.
Administrative Information
I am the Degree Programme Director for the MEng
in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and teach the following
Module Summary Sheets
MMM152/5(MMM159) |
Manufacturing Technology & Management 1 |
MMM214 |
Manufacturing Systems 2 |
MMM341 |
Manufacturing Systems 3 |
MMM451 |
Manufacturing Systems 4 |
ENG201 |
Introduction to Business Management |
MMM281 |
Operations Management |
MMM399 |
Group Projects |
MMM499 |
Individual Projects |
Computing self study zone
C++ Programming
Cygwin (a Linux type environment
for PCs including full X server)
DOS basics,
Free Pascal, Free
Pascal Download (Win32, UNIX, Linux etc, but not very friendly with
Free Pascal User's
Guide, Free Pascal
Programmer's Guide, Reference
GNU Homepage (lots of good free software),
GNU software directory
GNU Pascal
Help-site computer manuals
Internet tutorials
Access Tutorial , Micrsoft
Access 2000 design tutorial, Another
Access tutorial
Microsoft Excel tutorials,
books and tutorials
Java Tutorial,
Java page
tutorial, Online
Pascal, Devlibrary
Pascal tutorials, resources etc.
Tk/Tcl Programming
UNIX Reference Desk
Virtual Pascal, Free
download (easier to install than Free Pascal, use 'alt' key to select
items, this clunky type of interface was common 15 years ago!)
The output window disappears when the program has finished, add a readln
at the end of the
program then the window will remain until you enter a return. A user's
manual and reference
guide is installed with the softwar.
Visual Basic Tutor, Visual
Basic Information Centre, Visual
Basic introduction, VB
Web programming tutorials (including
CGI, Perl, guest books, search engines etc.)
Web developers resources
98 tutorial
Links / Resources
Students registered on these modules should access http://blackboard.ncl.ac.uk
course information and a wide range of on-line learning materials. Your
user identifier is you UCS login (of the form n1234567) and your initial
password is your student number which appears on your "smart" card. Some
material is provided on the resources/links page for external users:
General links
General engineering links
Departmental links
Engineering Design Centres
Management / Manufacturing Systems
Computing / programming
Modelling / systems
Optimisation methods
Student Feedback
Module |
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
Manufacturing & Management I |
3.59 |
3.9 |
Manufacturing Systems II |
4.4 |
Semester 2 |
Operations Management II |
-- |
3.49 |
Introduction to Business Management |
3.8 |
3.8 |
Manufacturing Systems III |
3.71 |
3.67 |
Manufacturing Systems IV |
-- |
4.25 |
Overall Teaching Mean Response (scored in the range 0-5)
Module |
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
Mannufacturing and Management |
4.25 |
4.52 |
Manufacturing Systems II |
4.69 |
Semester 2 |
Operations Management II |
--- |
4.06 |
Introduction to Business Management |
4.29 |
4.36 |
Manufacturing Systems III |
4.36 |
4.21 |
Manufacturing Systems IV |
--- |
4.25 |
Well Prepared Mean Response (scored in range 0-5)
Module |
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
Manufacturing & Management I |
3.94 |
4.1 |
Manufacturing Systems II |
4.46 |
Semester 2 |
Operations Management II |
--- |
3.81 |
Introduction to Business Management |
4.29 |
4.36 |
Manufacturing Systems III |
4.36 |
3.96 |
Manufacturing Systems IV |
--- |
4.13 |
Structured Notes Mean Response (Scored in range 0-5)
Module |
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
Manufacturing & Management I |
3.78 |
4.16 |
Manufacturing Systems II |
4.42 |
Semester 2 |
Operations Management II |
--- |
3.42 |
Introduction to Business Management |
3.82 |
3.74 |
Manufacturing Systems III |
3.82 |
3.92 |
Manufacturing Systems IV |
--- |
4.13 |
Lectures Understood Mean Response (Scored in range 0-5)
Status of Blackboard Implementation
Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering have piloted the use
of the Blackboard Managed Learning Environment.
Web Links |
Module sheet |
Study Guide |
Detailed Notes |
Application based case-studies |
Manufacturing Tech. 1 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
Management 1 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Manufacturing Systems 2 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Some PowerPoint Slides |
In preparation |
Manufacturing Sytems 3 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
PowerPoint slides |
N |
Introduction to Business Management |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Status of Blackboard Implementation
The status of the Blackboard implementation for Chris Hicks' modules
is summarised above. The most highly developed module is ENG201 "Introduction
to Business Management" which was implemented first due to the large number
of students studying the module. This module contains the widest range
of materials including dedicated library support, formative assessment,
on-line company reports and detailed tutorials that include Excel spreadsheet
based case-studies. The materials for the second semester modules are still
being developed. More sophisticated tutorial materials based upon the web-based
Tk-Tcl language and Excel spreadsheets are being developed through student
Module |
Number of registered students |
Number of accesses 10/00-01/01 |
Manufacturing Technology 1 |
131 |
994 |
Management 1 |
131 |
Semester 2 module |
Manufacturing Systems 2 |
65 |
Semester 2 module |
Manufacturing Systems 3 |
49 |
1,533 |
Introduction to Business Management |
326 |
30,590 |
Number of Registered Students and Usage of Blackboard Systems (10/2000-01/2001)
Useful links: Learning Technology
Support Unit, Leaning Technology
Support Network
Visitors since 15/12/2000
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Chris Hicks' Home Page This page was
last updated on 26th June 2003.
© Dr Christian Hicks, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne