Since March 2024, I am a Professor in Cosmology at Bielefeld University where I took up my ERC Starting Grant 2022 (worth ~1.5 million EUR) on “Probing cosmic large-scale structure beyond the average”. Two postdocs will start in autumn 2024 and I will advertise another postdoc position for a start in autumn 2025 (watch out for updates on the Jobs page). I am co-leading the Euclid Consortium Additional Galaxy Clustering Probes work package, active in Euclid Higher-order weak lensing statistics and the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration higher-order statistics topical team.
I am a Visiting Professor at Newcastle University. Previously, I was a Reader in Cosmology as part of Applied Mathematics at Newcastle University, deputy lead for our Theoretical Cosmology group, deputy director of the NUdata STFC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data-Intensive Science for Astrophysics in collaboration with Northumbria University, and member of the Observational Astronomy research group.
I will spend June-August 2024 at Perimeter Institute as a Simons Emmy Noether Fellow!
My research group:
- Bernhard Vos Gines (ERC-funded postdoc, from December 2024)
- Ashim Sen Gupta (ERC-funded postdoc, from November 2024)
- Carolyn Mill (PhD student in the STFC CDT, since September 2023)
- Dr Lina Castiblanco Tolosa (STFC-funded PostDoc, since October 2022)
- Beth Gould (PhD student, since September 2022)
- Alex Gough (PhD student, September 2020 – August 2024)
I am very excited to have been part of the ‘Universe Unravelled’ Series filmed at Cambridge that is now available on Discovery+, the streaming channel of Discovery Channel UK.

Together with Ulrike Böhm, I am running the facebook page ‘Physikerinnen’ for female physicists. Every week, we highlight an excellent women in physics (from student to professor) as ‘female physicist of the week’. I am committed to making a positive contribution to EDI in academia and supportive of underrepresented groups including women, BAME, LGBTQIA+.
If you want to learn more about me and my research, see some interviews and press releases
- Perimeter Institute Article about my research and my group
- Newcastle University Blog Article about the Launch of the Euclid Mission I am part of
- Newcastle University Press release about the Launch of the Euclid Mission I am part of
- Newcastle International Women’s Day 2022 – Women in STEM
- European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT) Community Profile
- TUMJA Young Academy of Technical University Munich (in German)
- Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Panel Discussion on Women in Science
- Newcastle Women in STEM page
- Cambridge Women in STEM page
- German Youth magazine (in German)
- Women in Research Blog
- Fitzwilliam College Cambridge Magazine Optima.