A list of talks given at conferences, seminars and colloquia. You can also find some recordings.


in total 61 talks at workshops, conferences and community meetings

[2] The Complexity of the large-scale structure in one wavefunction
Invited Talk, Irish Theoretical Physics Meeting, Maynooth (IE), September 2023
Invited Talk, Workshop The Complexity of the Cosmos (GSSI, IT), October 2022

[7] Nuw Cosmology beyond the average from one-point statistics
Contributed Talk, Cosmo23, IFT UAM-CSIC Madrid, September 2023
Invited Talk, Focus Week ‘Interpretable and higher-order statistics for late-time cosmology’ (IFPU Trieste, IT), June 2022
Invited Talk, Cosmology with Weak Lensing: Beyond the Two-point Statistics, remote (YITP Kyoto, Japan), April 2022
Invited Plenary, Cosmic Cartography, remote (Kavli IPMU, JPN), March 2022
Cosmo’21, remote (University of Illinois, USA), August 2021
ATLAS Massively Parallel Large Area Spectroscopy from Space, remote (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Portugal), June 2021

Disentangling early and late-time non-Gaussianity with counts-in-cells
Invited Talk, Workshop Extracting competitive constraints from LSS (Technion, ISR), December 2022

[6] Cosmology and fundamental physics with counts-in-cells
Euclid Science Working Group Galaxy Clustering & Weak Lensing Meeting, IAP Paris (F), February 2020
DEX Durham-Edinburgh Extragalactic workshop, Durham (UK), January 2020
Euclid UK Meeting 2019, London (UK), December 2019
LCDM London Cosmology Discussion Meeting, London (UK), December 2019
KICC 10th Anniversary Symposium, Cambridge (UK), September 2019
Euclid UK Meeting 2018, Oxford (UK), December 2018

[2] Game of Cones: Modelling the weak lensing convergence PDF
DAMTP Workshop “The Non-Gaussian Universe”, Cambridge (UK), September 2019
Euclid Collaboration Meeting, Helsinki (FIN), June 2019

[9] A semiclassical path to cosmic large-scale structure
KITP Workshop Cosmic Web Connecting Galaxies to Cosmology at High and Low Redshift, Santa Barbara (USA), January 2023
Cosmology from Home Conference, August-September 2020
Lorentz Center Workshop “The cosmic web in the local universe”, Leiden (NL), January 2020
MIAPP Workshop ‘Dynamics of Large-Scale Structure Formation’, Garching (DE), July 2019
Workshop ‘The Cosmic Web: From Galaxies to Cosmology’, Edinburgh (UK), June 2019
UK Cosmo Meeting, Cambridge (UK), May 2019
Workshop ‘PTchat’, Kyoto (JPN), April 2019
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Munich (DE), March 2019

[2] Large-scale clustering with counts-in-cells statistics
Workshop “Analytical Methods” during IHP Cosmology Trimester, Paris (FR), September 2018
Conference “The Dark Universe”, LMU Munich (DE), October 2017

Counts-in-cells for intensity mapping
Workshop ‘The nonlinear universe’, Smartno (SI), July 2018

Counts-in-cells statistics and optimal tracer combinations
Workshop ‘Consistency of Cosmological Datasets’, Cambridge (UK), May 2018

Turn back time: Gaussianising the late-time matter density field
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Würzburg (DE), March 2018

[3] Finding closure – what Schrödinger-Poisson can teach us about cumulant hierarchies
Workshop ‘Numerics for cosmology – the Schrödinger method’, WPI Vienna (AU), May 2018
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Würzburg (DE), March 2018
Workshop ‘Vlasov-Poisson in cosmology and plasma physics’, WPI Vienna (AU), December 2017

[6] Counts-in-cells statistics — from theory towards galaxy surveys
ANR SPIN(E) Kick-out Meeting, St Raphael (FR), September 2017
Understanding cosmological observations, Pedro Pascual Center Benasque (ES), August 2017
Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data, NORDITA Stockholm (SWE), July 2017
The nonlinear universe, Smartno (SI), July 2017
Origin of Mass 2017, CP³-Origins Odense (DK), May 2017
German Physical Society (DPG) spring conference, Bremen (DE), March 13 – 17, 2017

[3] The Skeleton of our Universe – insights into the Cosmic Web
jDPG Jubilee Conference `Long Live Physics’, Dresden (DE), Oct 28 – Nov 1, 2016
Workshop Rising Stars in Physics, MIT, Cambridge (USA), Oct 2016
66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physics, Lindau (DE), June 2016

[7] Large deviation statistics of the cosmic density field
Invited Talk, The complexity of the Cosmos, GSSI (IT), September 2023
Workshop ‘Theoretical challenges for precision galaxy clustering’, Sesto (IT), July 2016
66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physics, Lindau (DE), June 2016
Theoretical Cosmology in the Era of Large Surveys, Florence (IT), May 2016
11th Cosmology Day, Bielefeld (DE), April 2016
Statistics of Extrema in Large scale structure, Leiden (NL), March 2016
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Hamburg (DE), March 2016

[4] Streaming Models for Redshift Space Distortions
Workshop ‘BAO& RSD: Dark Light on Obscure Acronyms’, Sesto (IT), July 2016
1st Roman Juszkiewicz Symposium ‘The non-linear universe’, Warsaw (PL), August 2015
Theoretical & Observational Progress on Large-scale Structure, Garching (DE), July 2015 
Cosmological Structures from Reionization to Galaxies, ICTP Trieste (IT), May 2015

Coarse-grained cosmological perturbation theory – stirring up the dust model
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Berlin (DE), March 2015

[6] Large scale structure formation with the Schrödinger method
DESY Theory Workshop ‘Rethinking Quantum Field Theory’, Hamburg (DE), September 2016
Cosmo Cruise ‘At the Edge of Discovery’, Mediterranean Sea, September 2015
International Conference of Physics Students, Heidelberg (DE), August 2014
IAU Symposium The Zeldovich Universe, Tallinn (EE), June 2014
PONT Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology, Avignon (FR), April 2014 
German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Berlin (DE), March 2014


in total 72 talks for seminars and colloquia

[3] Probing cosmic large-scale structure beyond the average
Cosmology Seminar, Perimeter Institute Waterloo (CA), June 2024
Astronomy Colloquium, LMU Munich (DE), February 2024
Cosmology Lunch, University of Cambridge (UK), January 2024

[2] Cosmology from the Dark Universe to Galaxy Surveys
Astronomy Colloquium, University of Vienna, May 2024
Inaugural Lecture, Bielefeld University, April 2024

[5] The Skeleton of our Universe
Physics Colloquium, University of Göttingen, April 2024
Physics Colloquium, University of Bremen, April 2024
Physics Colloquium, Goethe University Frankfurt, May 2023
Physics Colloquium, Bielefeld University, April 2023
Physics Colloquium, University of Innsbruck, March 2023

[5] Cosmology beyond the average with one-point statistics
Astro Seminar, Ruhr University Bochum (DE), April 2024
Cosmology Seminar, University of Oxford (UK), November 2023
Astronomy Colloquium, University of Sussex (UK), October 2023
Cosmology Seminar, University of Geneva (CH), December 2022
Colloquium, Jordrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics Manchester (UK), November 2022

The Complexity of the large-scale structure in one wavefunction
Theoretical Physics Seminar, Maynooth University (IRE), November 2022

[3] Making dark matter waves – the cosmic web & wavelike dark matter
CRAG Seminar, University of Sheffield (UK), February 2024
HEP/Cosmo Theory Seminar, TU Munich (DE), February 2024
Particle Physics Seminar, Queen Mary University London (UK), October 2022

Nuw Cosmology beyond the average from one-point statistics
Cosmology Open Group Seminar, Harvard University (remote), May 2022

[3] Cosmology and fundamental physics with counts-in-cells
Cosmology Seminar, Sharif University, Tehran (remote), November 2021
Astro Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Munich (remote), May 2021
Astro Seminar, Imperial College, London (UK), November 2019

[6] A semiclassical path to cosmic large-scale structure
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology Seminar, Aachen University (remote), November 2021
NORDITA High-energy Theory Seminar, Stockholm (SWE), March 2020
Newcastle Applied Mathematics Seminar, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK), February 2020
Kavli Happy Hour, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge (UK), October 2019
Cosmology Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL), October 2019
King’s College London TPPC Seminar, London (UK), May 2019

Large scale clustering in a nutshell: from the CMB to the Cosmic Web
MPIfR & AIfA Colloquium, Bonn (DE), May 2018

[4] Large scale clustering with counts-in-cells statistics
Astronomy Colloquium, Royal Observatory Edinburgh (UK), April 2019
London Relativity & Cosmology Seminar, Queen Mary University London (UK), Jan 2019
Astronomy Colloquium, Durham University (UK), October 2018
Cosmology Seminar, University of Oxford (UK), January 2018

[3] Counts-in-cells statistics – from theory towards galaxy surveys
Astro Seminar, Kavli IPMU, Tokyo (JPN), November 2017
Dark Energy Science Meeting, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul (KR), November 2017
Cosmology Seminar, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KR), October 2017

Cosmic structure formation pushed to the nonlinear regime
Quantum Gravity Seminar, Radboud University Nijmegen (NL), April 2017

Mathematics for the Universe on the largest scales
Student Seminar Mathematics, University of Lincoln (UK), November 2018

[14] Large-deviation statistics of the cosmic density field
CITA Cosmology discussion, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto (CA), February 2017
Galaxies & Cosmology Seminar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge (USA), January 2017
PennState Cosmo Seminar, Penn State University, Sate College (USA), December 2016
UPenn Astro Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA), December 2016 
CfA ITC Group Meeting, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge (USA), December 2016
NYU Astrophysics Seminar, New York University, New York (USA), December 2016
ITA Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Heidelberg (DE), December 2016
MPA Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching (DE), November 2016
ICG Colloquium, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth (UK), November 2016
UCL Cosmology Seminar, University College London, London (UK), November 2016
Sussex Cosmology Seminar, University of Sussex, Brighton (UK), November 2016
DAMTP Cosmology Lunch, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK), November 2016
ROE Coffee Talk, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK), November 2016
IAS/Princeton Cosmology Lunch, Princeton University, Princeton (USA), October 2016

[2] Schrödinger method as field theoretical model to describe structure formation 
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo (CA), October 2014 
Albert Einstein Institute & MPI Gravitational Physics, Potsdam (DE), July 2014 

[17] Large scale structure formation with the Schrödinger method
Applied Mathematics Seminar, Newcastle University, Newcastle (UK), November 2016
Theoretical Cosmology Meeting in the Netherlands, Utrecht (NL), October 2015
GReCo Seminar, Institut d’Astrophysique Paris, Paris (FR), September 2015
Cosmology Seminar, University Utrecht, Utrecht (NL), January 2015
Cosmology Seminar, Georg-August-University, Göttingen (DE), December 2014
KIPAC Tea Talk, Stanford University, Stanford (USA), November 2014
INPA Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley (USA), November 2014
TAPIR Seminar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (USA), November 2014 
Astrophysics Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence (USA), November 2014
KICP Seminar, University of Chicago, Chicago (USA), October 2014
CAS Wine & Cheese Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (USA), October 2014 
Seminar, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto (CA), October 2014 
ITC Seminar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA), October 2014
ISCAP Seminar, Columbia University, New York (USA), October 2014
IAS Cosmology Lunch, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (USA), October 2014 
Seminar, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam (DE), July 2014
Universe Colloquium, Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich (DE), May 2014