from March 2024
Bielefeld University

Institute of Theoretical Physics
Professor in Cosmology

Jan 2020 – March 2025
Newcastle University
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics
from March 2024: Visiting Professor
July 2023 – February 2024: Reader
Aug 2022 – June 2023: Senior Lecturer
Jan 2020- July 2022: Lecturer
Deputy Group leader for Cosmology & Quantum Gravity, Group Member of Observational Astronomy

Oct 2017 – Dec 2019
University of Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)
Centre for Theoretical Cosmology
Research Associate 
Relativity and Gravitation Group of Paul Shellard

Oct 2017 – Dec 2019
University of Cambridge
Fitzwilliam College
Junior Research Fellow

Oct 2015 – Sept 2017
Universiteit Utrecht
Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics
Research Associate
Cosmology Group of Enrico Pajer

Aug 2015 – Sept 2015
Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris
Visiting Scientist
working with Francis Bernardeau & Christophe Pichon

Nov 2012 – Sept 2015
Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics
Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Excellence Cluster Universe
Doctoral Position
Cosmology Group of Stefan Hofmann


2012 – 2015: LMU Munich

2015: Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in Physics (summa cum laude)
Thesis: Theoretical models for the formation of the large scale structure in the Universe
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hofmann

2007 – 2012: LMU & TU Munich

2012: Diploma in Physics (with distinction)
Diploma Thesis: Stability of Generalized Kasner spacetimes 
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alejandro Ibarra

2012: Master in Theoretical & Mathematical Physics (with distinction)
Master Thesis: Cosmological Perturbation Theory in an anistropic universe
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hofmann

2011: Bachelor in Mathematics
Bachelor Thesis: Renormalization of the regularized relativistic electron-positron field 
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Heinz Siedentop


2023 Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship at Perimeter Institute, CA

2021 Fellowship of the UK Higher Education Academy, Advance HE, UK

2019 Visiting Grant: Falling Walls Conference funded by Wilhelm-and-Else Heraeus Foundation

2018 Visiting Grant: Cosmology Trimester funded by Fondation Sciences Mathematiques Paris

2017 Scholarship and training: ‘Leading for Tomorrow’ program of German Physical Society

2016 Grant: participation in the ‘Rising Stars in Physics’ Workshop at MIT

2016 Grant: participation in the 66th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physics

2015 Universe PhD Award ‘Theory’ of the Excellence Cluster Universe
every year the Excellence Cluster Universe awards the best PhD Thesis in the two categories ‘Theory’ and ‘Experiment’ each of which is endowed with 2000 Euro.
See the press release (in German)

2015 Visiting Grant: Balzan Centre for Cosmological Studies (Oxford) for visiting IAP Paris

2014 Grant: IAU Symposium The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web

2013 Award: MINT – Shaping the future Ambassador of the year 
as Co-Founder of Detektor physics magazine for students

2007 – 2012 Scholarship: German National Academic Foundation

2009 – 2010 Scholarship and training: Bavarian EliteAcademy – a foundation of Bavarian industries

2007: Award Karin-Elisabeth-Loos foundation for outstanding performance in physics