Science & Euclid mission
Bielefeld University articles on Billions of galaxies beyond the average and Euclid first science (in German)
Newcastle University press release
Euclid video pre-launch feelings
Background interview for Scientific American Article “Europe’s Euclid Space Telescope Is Launching a New Era in Studies of the ‘Dark Universe’”
Discovery Channel Universe Unravelled
I am very excited to have been part of the ‘Universe Unravelled’ Series filmed at Cambridge that is now available on Discovery+, the streaming channel of Discovery Channel UK.

If you want to learn more about me and my research, I answered some questions for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Panel Discussion on Women in Science, the Newcastle Women in STEM page, the Cambridge Women in STEM page, the German Youth magazine (in German), the Women in Research Blog and the Fitzwilliam College Magazine Optima.
You can watch a recording of an outreach talk I gave at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge
The Skeleton of our Universe
Talk at Newcastle Cosmology Night, February 2023
Talk for Newcastle University Maths Challenge prize ceremony, May 2022
Talk for Newcastle University Open Day for high-school students, 2021
Talk for WISDOM Event at Newcastle University, May 2020
Talk at Fitzwilliam College Fellows’ Lecture Night, November 2019
Talk at Cambridge Institute for Astronomy Public Evening, 6 November 2019
Lunch Talk at London Academy of Excellence Tottenham, 2019
Talk at Emmy Noether Society, Cambridge, January 2019
‘Topic taster’ lecture for prospective students of the Cambridge Mathematics Faculty, July 2018
Talk “The Skeleton of our Universe” for ‘Girls in Physics’ Evening at Highgate School, London, November 2018
Talk at Fitzwilliam College Natural Sciences Society Outreach Event, March 2018
Women in Science evening
Chair at event of Fitzwilliam College MCR, Cambridge, 11 February 2019