Symmetry Pages

Categorisation by Class: Hexagonal

Symmetry Pages

Cubic (T Th O Td Oh)
Tetragonal (C4 S4 C4h D4 C4v D2d D4h)
Orthorhombic (D2 C2v D2h)
Monoclinic (C2 Cs C2h)
Triclinic (C1 Ci)
Trigonal (C3 S6 D3 C3v D3d)
Operations Order Schönflies
Irred. Rep.
× i Isomorph.
E, C6, C3, C2, C32, C65 6 C6 6 6   C6h S6, C3h
E, C3, C32, σh, S3, S32 6 C3h(S3) -6 -6 correlation C6h S6, C6
E, C6, C3, C2, C32, C65, i, S32, S65, σh, S6, S3 12 C6h 6/m 6/m correlation C6h  
E, 2C6, 2C3, C2, 3C2’, 3C2’’ 12 D6 622 622   D6h C6v, D3d, D3h
E, 2C6, 2C3, C2, 3σv, 3σd 12 C6v 6mm 6mm correlation D6h D6, D3d, D3h
E, 2C3, 3C2, σh, 2S3, 3σv 12 D3h -6m2 -6m2 correlation D6h D6, D3d, C6v
E, 2C6, 2C5, C2, 3C2’, 3C2’’, i, 2S3, 2S6, σh, 3σd, 3σv 24 D6h 6/mmm 6/m2/m2/m correlation D6h  
Non-crystallographic (C Ch Cv Dh C5 S8 D5 C5v C5h D4d D5d D5h D6d I Ih)

This table lists point group symmetries along with their symmetry operations, the order of the group (i.e. the number of symmetry operations) and common notations.maps to symbollinks to a correlation table, and ⊗ links to tables of products of irreducible representations. The group produced by combination with inversion is listed under "× i". This, in the case of crystolographic point groups, is the Laue class which corresponds to the symmetry of reciprocal space. Isomorphic groups are also listed where character tables are available.

Revised: © University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK