FlexNARA (Fluid-flexible structure iNterAction ReseArch) team is led by Dr Narakorn Srinil at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University. FlexNARA aims to address fundamental and multidisciplinary research in the areas of Fluid-Flexible Structure Interactions by developing cost-efficient reduced-order models and software tools that can be applied to the Offshore Oil & Gas / Renewable Energy industry for predicting the effects of ocean current flow, wave, wind & ice loads on offshore structures. We hope to bridge several gaps in our understanding and transfer the key theoretical-practical knowledge between these two industry sectors which are of national importance for the UK and internationally recognized for their interdisciplinary approaches. Our research covers offshore, subsea & ocean engineering applications for Offshore Renewables & Subsea Systems & Energy Transition.

FlexNARA research topics to support Offshore Energy Transition


Space-time varying responses due to flows past a flexible cylindrical structure captured by FlexNARA (N. Srinil, J of Fluids & Structures, 2010, 26, 1098-1122)