2 Quick Start

  1. Download set of executable files for EMIM (includes PREMIM) for your required platform:
    Platform File
    Linux (x86_64)emim-v3.22-linux-x86_64.zip
    Linux (x86_32)emim-v3.22-linux-x86_32.zip
    Windows (x86_64)emim-v3.22-windows-x86_64.zip
    Windows (x86_32)emim-v3.22-windows-x86_32.zip
    and unzip the set of files into a directory.
  2. Run PREMIM on your pedigree data:
    ./premim mydatafile.ped 
    where mydatafile.ped is a PLINK text pedigree file, or alternatively a better (faster) option is to use a PLINK binary pedigree file (.bed):
    ./premim mydatafile.bed 
    (These commands will assume the existence of either a corresponding .map file or corresponding .fam and .bim files.)
  3. Run EMIM in the same directory as the .dat files created by PREMIM:
  4. Check the results of EMIM in the files: emimresults.out and emimsummary.out.
  5. Do another analysis by changing the parameters given to EMIM by editing the parameter file emimparams.dat.

For more details and advanced options on PREMIM please read section 4, and on EMIM please read section 5.

If a suitable executable file is not available for your system then you should download and compile the source code as explained in section 3.