Office: |
Room E4.13, Merz Court
Research Interests
- Design of Asynchronous VLSI Systems
- Petri Nets and concurrency models in system design
(Petri Net Home Page )
- Hardware Description Languages
- CAD Systems for VLSI
- Fault Tolerance and Reliability in VLSI
- Energy-driven and energy-modulated computing
My blog on Energy-Modulated computing
My scientific genealogy
My PhD alumni (up to March 2024)
Building a Common Vision for the UK Microelectronic Design Research
Steve Furber's collection of Vision Statements (November 2004)
Statement "Soft Time in hARd Space (STARS), or mapping designs with
blocks cut loose" , by A. Yakovlev and A. Bystrov
"From Low Power Computing to Power-Adaptive Computing" (A. Yakovlev), talk given at the Electronics Knowledge Transfer Network
"The Grand Challenges in Microelectronics Design - uGC1 Batteries Not Included" held in Southampton on 16
July 2008, sponsored by NXP Semiconductors. More information about Grand Challenges in MSD is available here
The full list is
My DSc thesis, based on the Collection of Works submitted in August 2005 and put for Award of
Doctor of Science in Engineering by the Newcastle University SAgE Faculty passlist of 17.08.06, is
My PhD thesis, defended on on 5th November 1982, in Russian (degree "Candidate of Engineering Sciences")
Some of my 'relatively early' papers in English:
- Our first paper on Signal Graphs (known today as STGs):
L. Ya. Rosenblum and A.V. Yakovlev.
Signal graphs: from self-timed to timed ones,
Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Timed Petri Nets,
Torino, Italy, July 1985, IEEE Computer Society Press, NY, 1985,
pp. 199-207.
- An early attempt to promote self-timing and STGs in the completely synchronous world:
A. Yakovlev.
Designing Self-Timed Systems, VLSI SYSTEMS DESIGN,
Vol. VI, No. 9, September 1985, pp. 70-90
- A paper establishing interesting relationship between the interleaving and true causality semantics
using algebraic lattices. It also identifies an connection between the classes of lattices and the property
of generalisability of concurrency relations (from arity N to arity N+1),
i.e. the conditions for answering the question such as,
if three actions A, B and C are all pairwise concurrent, i.e. ||(A,B), ||(A,C), and ||(B,C), are they concurrent
"in three", i.e. ||(A,B,C)?
L. Rosenblum, A. Yakovlev, and V. Yakovlev.
A look at concurrency semantics through "lattice glasses".
In Bulletin of the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science), volume 37,
pages 175-180, 1989.
- The first paper on VME bus controller design using STGs:
A. Yakovlev and A. Petrov.
Petri nets and parallel bus controller design.
Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Applications and
Theory of Petri Nets, Paris, France, June 1990
This paper also contains a first attempt to analyse Complete State Coding
without building the reachability graph of an STG,
using the-scalled coupledness relations (today known as lock relations)
- An early paper about process even knowledge modelling and analysis (based on partial orders), which aims to develop requirements for a
software tool to
manipulate knowledge captured in the form of Labelled Event Nets, for use in industrial expertise.
A. V. Yakovlev and A.I. Petrov.
A process event knowledge model for industrial expertise.
Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence, J.L. Alty and L.I. Mikulich (Editors).
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland), 1991, pp. 115-120
- A technical report about analysing concurrent systems throughj lattices, written while I was at Polytechnic of Wales. This paper
contains important results that connects causality and interleaving via a lattice-theoretic approach. It proves that the cumulative
diagram of a persistent Petri net is a semi-modular lattice with a zero element, and that the cumulative diagram of a safe and persistent
Petri net (or of a marked graph) is a distributive lattice with a zero element. These results hel;p to connect theory of semi-modular
circuits by D.E. Muller with the classes of Petri nets.
- An often sought-after paper (or, better say, my presentation slides) about designing arbiters with Petri nets:
A. Yakovlev. Designing arbiters using Petri nets. Proceedings of the 1995 Israel Workshop on Asynchronous
VLSI, Nof Genossar, Israel, March 1995, VLSI Systems Research Center, Technion, Haifa, Israel, pp. 178-201.
- Papers about a fault-tolerant ring communication channel for an onboard control system. The system design
was a precursor to today's Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems as well as Networks-on-Chip (NOCs), because
it was aimed to introduce asynchrony into the synchronous culture in an "evolutionary" way, re-using synchronous CPU cores, and replace the
bus architectures, which were known for being poor in scaling and having proven to have lower reliability than the ring channel.
The papers include three parts of the original publication in Avtomatika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika in 1988-89, translated and published by
Allerton Press
Part 1(Protocols)
Part 2 (Adapter Implementation)
Part 3 (Test and Recovery Methods)
plus the paper which summarises this design and published in 1995:
A. Yakovlev, V. Varshavsky, V. Marakhovsky and A. Semenov, Designing an asynchronous pipeline token ring interface, Proc. of 2nd Working
Conference on Asynchronous Design Methodologies, London, May 1995, IEEE Comp. Society Press, N.Y., 1995, pp. 32-41.
These papers contained original ideas about:
- self-timed handshake communications and network interface to a synchronous CPU using FIFO,
- use of m-of-n (Sperner) delay insensitive codes (we first used a 3-of-6 code to encode one half-byte and
control tokens)
- the channel switch routed packets in a broadcast mode with relative addressing
- implementation method using Petri nets and direct mapping to control structures using David Cells
- original channel acquisition protocol with arbitration using control tokens and identifiers
- original self-synchronous methods for fault-detection, location and self-recovery (up to two faults in
channel wires and adapters were allowed); a sliding redundancy self-repair method was used
- Paper about analysing concurrency semantics using relation-based approach. Similar techniques are now being
developed in the domain of business process modelling and work-flow analysis:
L.Ya. Rosenblum and A.V. Yakovlev. Analysing semantics of concurrent hardware specifications. Proc. Int. Conf.
on Parallel Processing (ICPP89), Pennstate University Press, University Park, PA, July 1989, pp. 211-218, Vol.3.
- Paper about synthesis of control circuits using STGs (called signal graphs). It formulates the formal conditions for implementability
of STGs in logic circuits, particularly in the class of STGS that are marked graphs. It also shows, probably for the first time, a way to
systematically synthesize a FIFO cell controller with two (fully decoupled) handshakes using STGs. In the process of synthesis the STG
requires to be given two extra signals to resolve State Coding conflicts, using coupledness relations (originally developed in my PhD thesis
of 1982)
- Paper about the so called symbolic STGs, in which signals can have multiple values (which is often convenient for specifications of control at a
more abstract level than dealing with binary signals) and hence in order to implement them in logic gates one needs to solve the problem of binary
expansion or encoding, as well as resolve all the state coding issues on the way of synthesis of circuit implementation.
Curriculum Vitae
The full CV (for promotion to Personal Chair in 1999)
My "Trilogy about Victor Ilyich Varshavsky" (in Russian)
(doc) , and
(pdf) .
Victor Varshavsky (1933-2005) was my PhD advisor and mentor for many years.
More about Victor Varshavsky as a scientist, engineer, and man can be found:
here and
here (in Russian)
On this
photo Victor Varshavsky re-unites with his former group members
(left-to-right: Alex Kondratyev, Alexander Taubin, Mike Kishinevsky, Victor Varshavsky,
Alex and Masha Yakovlev)
during the Async'00 Symposium (March 2000) in Eilat.
A paper summarising my involvement in "asynchronous" research during the period of 1992-2002
Clockless computing or learning how to play "soft time" in "hard space"
(to appear in a 2003 special issue of Izvestia LETI (Proceedings of the St.Petersburg
Electrotechnical University) dedicated to the 70th anniversary
of Professor V.I. Timokhin).
Jobs and studentships in the Newcastle VLSI Design group
Currently, nothing is available. However, enquiries
are always welcome.
NEW Research Projects
Traces of Research Activity
I am Principal Investigator on
EPSRC-funded projects:
RelCel ,
SEDATE (in collaboration with Universities of Manchester and Edinburgh - see
main SEDATE website at Manchester),
(see also
COMFORT home page),
(see also
MOVIE home page)
(visiting fellowships of
Prof. Alex Kondratyev and
Prof. Luciano Lavagno),
BREACH (visiting fellowship of Dr. Nikolai Starodoubtsev from
Russian Academy of Science, to work on Behavioural REfinements for
Asynchronous Circuit syntHesis);
British Council
-funded joint projects,
a Acciones Integradas (Part 2) project with
Prof. Jordi Cortadella's
at Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain,
an ARC project with
Prof. Monika Heiner's group
at Brandenburg Technical University at Cottbus, Germany;
and participate in ESPRIT-funded projects
DEVA and
(see also
Asynchronous Research at Newcastle )
Jens Sparsoe, Pascal Vivet, Yvain Thonnart and I gave a tutorial
"Asynchronous Logic and GALS Design: Principles and State-of-the-Art"
at DATE 2010 , held in Dresden in March 2010.
My keynote talk at IEEE International Symposium on
Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS'10), held in Vienna April
14-16, 2010 -
"Asynchronous Design, Quo Vadis?"
My invited talk at
Power Management Technologies conference held at National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, on 27th May 2010
"Power Adaptive Computing" (print version on white background is
here )
In the past:
I have organised
Workshop on Hardware Design and Petri Nets
within the
19th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets
Lisbon, Portugal, June 1998
I have co-organised a Special Interest Workshop on Exploitation of STG-based
Design Technology
(announcement and
at St. Petersburg, Russia, 6-7 July 1998
Last ASTI project meeting (aka ACiD-WG special interest group meeting)
with Luciano Lavagno and Alex Kondratyev has been held at Newcastle in the period
of 20 Jul-5 Aug.
project ASAP (Automated Synthesis of Parallel and Asynchronous Controllers,
EPSRC Research Grant GR/J52327) has been graded as follows:
Scientific or technical merit - alpha 5 (top)
Management and use of resources - Excellent (top)
ASAP publication list
Our long (and long-awaited!) overview paper in the recent
Advanced Course on Petri nets :
A.V. Yakovlev and A.M. Koelmans
Petri nets and Digital Hardware Design
Lectures on Petri Nets II: Applications
Advances in Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 1492.
Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp. 154-236.
We would be happy if it proved useful to anyone exploring the
exciting area of HW+PN.
I have co-organised the
Second Workshop on Hardware Design and Petri Nets
within the
20th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, June 1999
I have co-organised the
Third ACiD-WG Workshop , held on 18-19 January, 1999
in Newcastle.
I have served as a co-chair of the Programme Committee of
ASYNC'99 to be held in Barcelona in April '99.
I have organised the
Seventh Asynchronous UK Forum to be held in Newcastle,
20-21 December 1999
Our ASTI Project
(Asynchronous circuit Synthesis and TestIng, EPSRC Research Grant GR/L24038,
visiting fellowships of
Prof. Alex Kondratyev and
Prof. Luciano Lavagno),
has been graded as follows:
Scientific or technical merit - alpha 5 (top)
Management and use of resources - Excellent (top)
Our presentation at the ACiD-WG workshiop in Grenoble, January 2000
was about the perspectives of using direct translation techniques in synthesis
of asynchronous controllers from Petri net specifications.
Here are
powerpoint and ps files
I have co-edited a book on Hardware Design and Petri Nets for Kluwer AP,
based on the collection of papers presented at the HWPN workshops.
The book has been published in March 2000.
Hardware Design and Petri Nets (about the book)
Ordering the book from Kluwer AP
Our projects
(Hazard-free Arbiter DESign, EPSRC Research Grant GR/K70175)
(TIMe-predicatBle hardwaRE platforms for real-time systems, EPSRC Research Grant GR/L28098)
have been respectively graded as follows:
Scientific or technical merit - alpha 5 (top)
Management and use of resources - Excellent (top)
Scientific or technical merit - alpha 4
Management and use of resources - Excellent (top)
Our first silicon, the result of the
has been received from EUROPRACTICE on 9 June. The first photos are
I have co-organised (with Jordi Cortadella and Luciano Lavagno)
Advanced Tutorial on Hardware Design and Petri nets ,
held on 26 June, 2000 in Aarhus, Denmark within the
21st Int. Conf. On Appl. and Theory of Petri Nets (PN'2000)
The workshop materials are available from the PN2000 conference site:
PDF (1.5 MB)
Download Addendum:
PDF (724 Kb)
I have co-organised the
AINT'2000 Workshop (Two-day workshop on
Asynchronous Interfaces: Tools, Techniques, and Implementations)
to be held in Delft, The Netherlands, 19-20 July 2000
My tutorial "Specifying Controllers using Petri Nets" at the
9th Async UK Forum
was kindly given by Luciano Lavagno.
The tutorial examples handout:
My talk "Communicating in Heterogeneously Timed Systems"
at the ICSA Colloquium in Edinburgh:
Slides in Powerpoint(1MB),
Handouts gzipped postscript(500KB)
I have co-organised (with
Maciej Koutny,
Albert Koelmans and
Jason Steggles)
a dual conference in Newcastle on 25-29 June 2001:
22nd Int. Conf. on Appl. and Theory of Petri nets
and 2nd Int. Conf. on Appl. of Concurrency
to System Design , and acted as a programme co-chair on the latter.
Papers presented at the
11th UK Async. Forum in Cambridge :
tarred and gzipped
Tutorial "Logic Design of Asynchronous Circuits" by J.Cortadella, J. Garside and A. Yakovlev
at ASPDAC/VLSI Design 2002
(PPT and PS) files, including 'readme.txt'
Talk at the 2nd EC Framework 5 workshop in Munich (28 Jan 2002):
"Behavioural synthesis of asynchronous controllers: a case study
with a self-timed communication channel"
Logic Synthesis of Asynchronous Controllers and Interfaces by
J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, A. Kondrateyv, L. Lavagno and A. Yakovlev,
has appeared from Springer in March 2002, ISBN3-540-43152-7.
Maciej Koutny and I have organised
Some publicity of our group's research (with certain technical
inacurracies - bless the media!):
in TechExtreme ,
Yahoo News ,
in Russian SciTechlibrary
(and *almost* the same
in Russian - please excuse someone's `wonderful' translation!),
in Suddeutche Zeitung
An article in Times Higher Education Supplement "Clock-free technology developed", THES, 26 April 2002 (p6)
here )
Spiegel Online
KLIK Magazin
Perm' State University (in Russian)
British Trade (by Paul Shepherd)
Space Daily
My invited lecture "Is the Die Cast for the Token Game" (with contributions from Frank Burns,
Alex Bystrov, Delong Shang and Danil Sokolov) was presented
at 23rd Int. Conf. on Applications and Theory of Petri nets, Adelaide,
Powerpoint slides
The full conference proceedings can be found
The Petrify group has been selected as a finalist in the prestigeous Descartes Prize 2002 competition:
Press Release and
Prize Catalogue
Our diploma
Jordi Cortadella, Grzegorz Rozenberg and I edited the book
in Petri Nets: Concurrency and Hardware Design", Springer, November 2002
The volume is also available online
Materials for my tutorial and demo at ASYNC'03 (Vancouver)
"Petrify: Method and Tool for Synthesis of Asynchronous Controllers and Interfaces":
ppt and pdf ,
Exercise manual (pdf)
As a Chair of the Steering Committee I attended the
Third International
Conference on Application of Concurrency in System Design (ACSD'03) held in
Guimaraes, Portugal, on 18-20 June 2003.
Materials for my lectures "Hardware Design and Petri Nets" at the
Advanced Course on Petri nets (Eichstaett, Germany, Sept. 2003)
are here:
Handouts (pdf)
Jordi Cortadella and I organised the first
International Workshop on Token-Based
Computing (ToBaCo'04), which took place in June, in Bologna within
25th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN'04)
As a Chair of the Steering Committee I attended the
Fourth International
Conference on Application of Concurrency in System Design (ACSD'04) held in
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, on 16-18 June 2004.
I gave an invited talk
"Ten years of Petrifying" at the
Fourth ACiD-WG Workshop in Turku, Finland, 28-29 June.
At this workshop I also gave a talk
"Phase-difference based logic: principle and applications" , which introduced
a new class of logic circuits, with the interesting property of "data-invariance"
(the switching activity of the circuit is independent of the processed data),
which may have useful applications in security, testing and quantum circuits
(with decoherence).
I gave a talk
Asynchronous Communication and Self-Timed Systems: Can they help simulate Brain?
at the University Seminar "Brain-like Machines", Research Beehive, 11 Novewber 2004.
I gave a day of lectures and tutorials at the
ACiD-WG Winter School
on Timing for Deep Submicron Chips , held in Cambridge on 3-7 January 2005.
My father Vladimir Yakovlev (Emeritus Professor of Control at the
St. Petersburg Electrical Engineering University (also known as LETI)),
Dr. Ivan Tyukin
(graduate from LETI and research fellow at RIKEN Brain Science Institute,
Japan)) and I visited Imperial College, EEE Department, in April 2004 on the
invitation of Professor Peter Cheung.
Here we are standing next to Denis Gabor .
I gave a talk
Battling Complexity and Uncertainty via Asynchronous System Design
at the UK Design Forum 2005, Manchester, 13-14 April 2005.
I gave an Advanced tutorial
"Hardware Design and Petri nets"
at the 26th International Conference On Application and Theory
of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, Miami, USA, June 2005.
Ran Ginosar, Pol Marchal and I have organised the DATE'06 Friday Workshop
"Future Interconnects and Networks on Chip", which took place under the auspices
of DATE'06 in Munich. The details and presentations (talks and poster abstracts)
are here
I served as a co-chair (with Jens Sparsoe) of the Programme Committee of
ASYNC'06 held in Grenoble in
March 2006.
Together with Maciej Koutny we visited Xidian University in Xi'an and Institute of Electronics of
Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing with lectures on "Concurrency Models for Digital Systems Design" and
"Some Aspects of Designing Systems on Chip".
Some details are on the
Xidian University website
I gave an invited talk "Coping with concurrency in hardware: teaching experiences" at the
on Teaching Concurrency (TeaConc'06), held within ACSD'06 and ICATPN'06 in Turku, Finland, June 2006.
( talk abstract ).
Useful research links and docs
- Asynchronous Systems at Newcastle:
Teaching Activities in 2007/08
TEMPUS/TACIS Activities:
A collaborative
project with
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (KRSU)
in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Administrative Duties in 2001/02
- Degree Programme Director and Chairman of Board of Studies for:
Departmental Induction/Registration Coordinator
- Allocation of Tutors/Tutees
- Admissions Computer Systems Eng/UCCA
- Member of Boards of Studies for CS and EEEng
Misc useful links
Mathematics and Theoretical CS:
American Mathematical Monthly
Topics in Mathematics
AMS (American Mathematical Society)
Math - General
Theoretical CS database
SIGACT News Theory Calendar
The Hamiltonian
Planar Graphs
Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany
and Puzzles
Conway's "Life"
Internet Resources
for the College Math Student
Collected Algorithms of the ACM
The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
Scott Gasch's Algorithm Archive
Geometry in Action: discrete and computational geometry
A Survey of Global Optimization Methods
(Gray et al)
The Geometry Center
EE Times Network
IBM Microelectronics
Yield and Reliability in VLSI
Microprocessors of the Past and Present
CPU Info Center
Research on
Energy Aware Computing using Probabilistic Semiconductor Devices
at Goergia Tech
- Hardware Verification
Automated Theorem Proving (by Geoff
MATLAB Tips and Previews
MATLAB at MathWorks
alex.yakovlev at
Telephone numbers
Voice: +44-191-222-8184
Fax: +44-191-222-8180
Mailing address
School of EECE, Merz Court,
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
United Kingdom
Geographical location
Room E4.13, Merz Court,
Newcastle University